سوالی دارید؟
تمایل دارید صفحه اینستاگرام کبیر را مشاهده نمایید؟

امتحان کنید

سرگرمی ها امتحان کنید
It is a test to declare how well you can use English in a ten-point scale. This test should take no longer than 30 minutes. It is designed funly to assess your level of English. Please answer all questions and press submit.

1 . My name .......... Richard.




2 . I'm from ............................



 The Italy

3 . ................... company is Microsoft.




4 . Person 1: "............ are you? Person 2: "Very well thanks."




5 . BMW ...................... cars




6 . We ................. three factories.




7 . Person 1: "Do you work for an English company? Person 2: "No, I .............. . It's French"




8 . Person 1: "............. you spell that, please? Person 2: "Sure. It's J-O-H-N"




9 . There ................. four international airports near London.




10 . ...................... you like a coffee? - Yes, please.




11 . I deal .................. clients every day.




12 . Can we ......................... a meeting?




13 . Our products are ......................... than our main competitor’s.




14 . We need to ................... a solution to this problem.




15 . What ...................................................... on at the moment?

 are you working

 do you work

 did you work

16 . How do you ....................... about that idea?




17 . The plane leaves from ....................... eighteen.




18 . I have a ......................... schedule this week.




19 . She’s ............... you an email.




20 . I'm ...................... , but she’s not here today.




21 . When ..................................... the company?


 did you join

 did you joined

22 . Can I ...................... an order for 30 chairs?




23 . First of all, I ............................... you a little bit about me.

 to tell

 am going to tell

 am telling

24 . English .................... all over the world.


 has spoken

 is spoken

25 . Did you ................... the deadline?




26 . I .............................. him here recently.

 didn`t see

 haven`t seen

 don`t see

27 . The new system ............................ me focus on more important jobs.




28 . This website isn't as easy to use ................................. the other one.




29 . I’ll call you back as soon as I ............................. something.

 ´m hearing

 ´ll hear


30 . You .................................. press this button. It’s dangerous.


 don`t have to


31 . Your visitor ................................................. for over an hour. He’s in your room now.

 is waiting

 has waited

 has been waiting

32 . The two companies plan to form a joint ............................................... .




33 . If we changed the colour, we ............................ more.


 ´ll sell

 ´d sell

34 . When they have finished making the first ............................................ , we can do some tests on it.




35 . He ...................................... to leave the company by his boss.

 ´s been asked

 ´s asked


36 . I'm surprised he’s late. He’s normally so ............................................. .




37 . Hello, Alison. I ............................ the office actually. Can I call you back tomorrow?


 ´d just left

 was just leaving

38 . .......................................................... the delays with the trains, we all still arrived on time.




39 . My favorite perk in my job is ........................................... .

 my salary

 my company car

 the overtime

40 . James is away, .................................................... ?

 isn’t he

 doesn’t he

 is he

41 . I seem to have run ................... of money. Can you lend me some?




42 . If you don’t like this idea, then come .......................... with something better.




43 . ............................................... speak to them about our idea earlier today?

 Were you able to

 Did you succeed in

 Did you manage

44 . Our most .............................. customer has been with us for over 25 years.




45 . Do you know what time .............................?

 is it

 it is

 does it

46 . Let’s ................... up a list of action points.




47 . We have very .......................... information about you. Tell us about yourself.




48 . We've looked at the history, so now let’s ....................... to our current activities.

 turn on


 move on

49 . Many women feel that they hit a glass .............................. on the corporate ladder.




50 . Today, we need to .................... on a date for the launch and promotion.




51 . What they are asking is .......................................... ridiculous.




52 . There’s a real ........................................ in the market for this kind of service, I think.




53 . Shirley is very calm and down to ......................................................... .




54 . The pros definitely ............................. the cons.




55 . I think you should broaden your ............................... and look for a new job.




56 . If you .................... I'm sure you would have got the job.


 would apply

 had applied

57 . Am I getting my point ............................ clearly enough?




58 . There isn't a ........................ of purpose to the meeting.




59 . Let me .............................. you in on some of the background.




60 . It’s difficult to ......................................... what the reaction might be to this proposal.


