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محتواهای الکترونیکی

صفحه اصلی محتواهای الکترونیکی


لطفا کلمات کلیدی خود را تایپ نمایید.
محتوای الکترونیکی
Present perfect continuous
Present perfect continuous

The present perfect continuous is formed with have/has been and the -ing form of the verb.

23/08/1401 12:56:53 ب.ظ

Double object verbs
Double object verbs

Learn about verbs that have direct and indirect objects and do the exercises to practise using them.

23/08/1401 12:52:06 ب.ظ

Reported speech 2 – questions
Reported speech 2 – questions

Do you know how to report a question that somebody asked?

13/09/1401 10:55:40 ق.ظ

Ergative verbs
Ergative verbs

Learn about ergative verbs, which can be transitive or intransitive, and do the exercises to practise using them.

23/08/1401 12:52:54 ب.ظ

Reported speech
Reported speech

Learn how to report what other people said, and do the exercises to practise it.

13/09/1401 10:59:03 ق.ظ

Reporting verbs with 'that', 'wh-' and 'if' clauses
Reporting verbs with 'that', 'wh-' and 'if' clauses

Learn how to use different kinds of reporting verbs, and do the exercises to practise using them.

23/08/1401 01:02:02 ب.ظ

محتوای بیشتر...

محتوای الکترونیکی
Present perfect
Present perfect

Learn about the present perfect and do the exercises to practise using it.

23/08/1401 11:56:21 ق.ظ

Present continuous
Present continuous

Learn about the present continuous and do the exercises to practise using it.

23/08/1401 11:55:57 ق.ظ

Present simple
Present simple

Learn about the present simple and do the exercises to practise using it.

23/08/1401 11:56:48 ق.ظ


Learn about modal verbs for possibility, impossibility and certainty and do the exercises to practise using them.

23/08/1401 11:57:11 ق.ظ

Verbs followed by the '-ing' form
Verbs followed by the '-ing' form

Learn about verbs that are followed by the -ing form and do the exercises to practise using them.

23/08/1401 12:38:01 ب.ظ

Verbs followed by the infinitive
Verbs followed by the infinitive

Learn about verbs that are followed by the infinitive and do the exercises to practise using them.

23/08/1401 12:36:57 ب.ظ

محتوای بیشتر...

محتوای الکترونیکی

Verbs Reference

23/08/1401 12:47:33 ب.ظ


Nouns Reference

23/08/1401 12:43:51 ب.ظ


Adverbials Reference

23/08/1401 12:41:12 ب.ظ


Adjectives Reference

23/08/1401 12:40:37 ب.ظ


Possessives Reference

23/08/1401 12:44:33 ب.ظ

Determiners and quantifiers
Determiners and quantifiers

Determiners and quantifiers Reference

23/08/1401 12:42:52 ب.ظ

محتوای بیشتر...

محتوای الکترونیکی

چرا گرامر؟

26/08/1401 10:26:04 ق.ظ