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Common TOEFL Grammar Mistakes
 TOEFL Grammar
TOEFL Grammar

Common Toefl Grammar Mistakes

28/08/1401 04:38:13 ب.ظ

Writing Numbers Properly
Writing Numbers Properly

Writing numbers properly can be tricky. There are a few things to keep in mind.

28/08/1401 05:25:43 ب.ظ

Grammar: Extinct Animals!
Grammar: Extinct Animals!

Use the past tense to refer to extinct animals like dinosaurs.

28/08/1401 05:11:07 ب.ظ

Grammar Lesson – Using “Every”
Grammar Lesson – Using “Every”

Just a short grammar guide this week. While this may be a short guide, but it is about one of the most common mistakes I see when checking TOEFL essays.

28/08/1401 05:10:43 ب.ظ

“Stopped to VERB” vs “Stopped VERBing”
“Stopped to VERB” vs “Stopped VERBing”

When I check TOEFL essays, I often see grammar mistakes involving “stopped to VERB” and “stopped VERBing.” This is a dangerous mistake since these forms are used to express totally different ideas. The mistake often results in a sentence with the complete opposite of the writer’s intended meaning!

28/08/1401 05:07:37 ب.ظ

Using “One of the” Properly
Using “One of the” Properly

When grading TOEFL essays, I often see mistakes when students use “one of the.”

28/08/1401 05:23:57 ب.ظ

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