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Common TOEFL Grammar Mistakes

 TOEFL Grammar
TOEFL Grammar

Common Toefl Grammar Mistakes

28/08/1401 04:38:13 ب.ظ

Writing Numbers Properly
Writing Numbers Properly

Writing numbers properly can be tricky. There are a few things to keep in mind.

28/08/1401 05:25:43 ب.ظ

Grammar: Extinct Animals!
Grammar: Extinct Animals!

Use the past tense to refer to extinct animals like dinosaurs.

28/08/1401 05:11:07 ب.ظ

Grammar Lesson – Using “Every”
Grammar Lesson – Using “Every”

Just a short grammar guide this week. While this may be a short guide, but it is about one of the most common mistakes I see when checking TOEFL essays.

28/08/1401 05:10:43 ب.ظ

“Stopped to VERB” vs “Stopped VERBing”
“Stopped to VERB” vs “Stopped VERBing”

When I check TOEFL essays, I often see grammar mistakes involving “stopped to VERB” and “stopped VERBing.” This is a dangerous mistake since these forms are used to express totally different ideas. The mistake often results in a sentence with the complete opposite of the writer’s intended meaning!

28/08/1401 05:07:37 ب.ظ

Using “One of the” Properly
Using “One of the” Properly

When grading TOEFL essays, I often see mistakes when students use “one of the.”

28/08/1401 05:23:57 ب.ظ

Using “While” Properly
Using “While” Properly

The most common sentence fragment error I see in essays is a misuse of “while” to contrast things.

28/08/1401 05:24:57 ب.ظ

“Maintain Relationships” vs “Keep Relationships”
“Maintain Relationships” vs “Keep Relationships”

Personal examples in TOEFL essays are often about friendships and relationships, so I often see sentences using “maintain relationships” and “keep relationships.”

28/08/1401 05:06:24 ب.ظ

“Until Now” vs “So Far”
“Until Now” vs “So Far”

I often see students use “until now” and “so far” incorrectly. Here’s a quick lesson!

28/08/1401 05:09:27 ب.ظ

“Even if” vs “Even though”
“Even if” vs “Even though”

This is a new kind of error. I see it in essays almost every day. For some reason, it seems a lot more common nowadays. Weird.

28/08/1401 05:04:32 ب.ظ

“access” vs “access to” vs “have access to”
“access” vs “access to” vs “have access to”

This one’s hard to explain, so pay attention.

28/08/1401 05:03:46 ب.ظ

“make effort” vs “make an effort.”
“make effort” vs “make an effort.”

This is a simple one. Here’s what you need to know:

28/08/1401 05:06:42 ب.ظ

Near vs Nearby: TOEFL Grammar
Near vs Nearby: TOEFL Grammar

It can be difficult to use “near” and “nearby” properly. I fix mistakes with these two words in TOEFL essays almost every day! Here’s a quick guide:

28/08/1401 05:11:32 ب.ظ

Economical vs Economic
Economical vs Economic

A very quick usage note based on an error I see quite a lot.

28/08/1401 05:10:15 ب.ظ

Value vs. Evaluate
Value vs. Evaluate

Nowadays I get a ton of essays which mix up the verbs “value” and “evaluate.”

28/08/1401 05:25:20 ب.ظ

“Every day” vs “Everyday”
“Every day” vs “Everyday”

“Everyday” = an adjective meaning “common” or “ordinary.”

28/08/1401 05:05:41 ب.ظ

“lose weight” vs “lose my weight.”
“lose weight” vs “lose my weight.”

Use: “I want to lose weight.”

28/08/1401 05:06:02 ب.ظ

Public Transportation vs Public Transportations
Public Transportation vs Public Transportations

Don’t use “public transportations” (with an “s”).

28/08/1401 05:22:47 ب.ظ

Writing about Subways
Writing about Subways

Speaking of public transportation, be careful when using the plural “subways.”

28/08/1401 05:25:34 ب.ظ

Boring vs Bored
Boring vs Bored

I often see students mix up “boring” and “bored.”

28/08/1401 05:09:53 ب.ظ

Semicolon Use
Semicolon Use

Semicolon use is really tricky. To be honest, I f–k it up quite a lot, so I guess my writing is full of errors. I wrote a 90 page thesis in order to graduate from university, and I probably didn’t use a single semicolon in it. There are a few things you should remember, though.

28/08/1401 05:23:03 ب.ظ

Using the Definite Article Before “Society”
Using the Definite Article Before “Society”

When writing your essays, remember that we don’t usually use the definite article (“the”) before “society.”

28/08/1401 05:25:09 ب.ظ

Subject Verb Agreement with Gerunds
Subject Verb Agreement with Gerunds

When I check a student’s writing for the first time, I am almost guaranteed to spot a few errors related to subject-verb agreement.

28/08/1401 05:23:39 ب.ظ

“Since then” vs “After that”
“Since then” vs “After that”

“Since then” is used with the present perfect tense to talk about something that started in the past and is still going on.

28/08/1401 05:07:04 ب.ظ

“Discuss With” Needs an Object
“Discuss With” Needs an Object

We don’t “discuss with” people in general. We discuss THINGS with people (or, in grammatical terms, we discuss a “direct object”).

28/08/1401 05:04:08 ب.ظ