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محتواهای الکترونیکی

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محتوای الکترونیکی
The Car of the Future ?
The Car of the Future ?

Is this "snail car" the car of the future ? It does not resemble any of the cars we use today, and indeed it is very different.... and totally high-tech. But you won't see a car like this on the roads tomorrow. The future is coming, but not quite so fast.

24/03/1401 04:37:48 ب.ظ

Song - The TITANIC
Song - The TITANIC

Song - The TITANIC

24/03/1401 04:35:41 ب.ظ

One Foggy Night
One Foggy Night

When an anxious mother calls the Police to report that her teenage son has not come home, the policemen find themselves looking at more than just a couple of missing teenagers .....

24/03/1401 04:35:11 ب.ظ

The BOX -  a short story
The BOX - a short story

When Mick got a job delivering a box to a reception at the Hill Park Hotel, he got more than the fifty pounds that were promised to him .....

24/03/1401 04:37:17 ب.ظ

The Girl in the Denim Jacket
The Girl in the Denim Jacket

Who was the mysterious girl waiting for the underground train on a suburban station platform, one winter's evening, and what was she doing there?

24/03/1401 04:39:03 ب.ظ

THE WIMP  - A short story in two parts   Part 1
THE WIMP - A short story in two parts Part 1

THE WIMP - A short story in two parts Part 1

24/03/1401 04:40:10 ب.ظ

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محتوای الکترونیکی
Blue Gum Tree  - a short story from New Zealand
Blue Gum Tree - a short story from New Zealand

It was a week night, we were a half dozen guys in our late teens, hanging around 'the flat' - as usual. The flat was sparsely furnished, a few old chairs in the lounge, plenty of chrome and formica in the kitchen, a mattress on the floor of each bedroom.

24/03/1401 03:50:14 ب.ظ

THE CAR  - a short story
THE CAR - a short story

"It's a really good bargain," said the man in the showroom ; and as far as Shafi could tell, he was telling the truth.

24/03/1401 04:24:53 ب.ظ

For Elise  - a short story
For Elise - a short story

Her name was Elise Toussaint. And as I looked up at her face, I couldn't help but feel regret. This emotion isn't the kind that settles after long thought; it slams you in the gut and knocks the wind out of you.

24/03/1401 03:52:32 ب.ظ

A Few Good Reasons  - a short story
A Few Good Reasons - a short story

Life really is strange, Caroline decided, as a tear trickled down into the corner of her mouth.

23/03/1401 03:40:06 ب.ظ

Shakespeare's enduring heritage
Shakespeare's enduring heritage

More than four centuries after he died, in 1616, William Shakespeare, the "bard (poet) from Stratford" is still one of the most influential forces in the world of theatre and cinema today .

24/03/1401 04:21:06 ب.ظ

Elizabeth II - the Queen who almost wasn't
Elizabeth II - the Queen who almost wasn't

Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain was born in 1926, and came to the throne in 1952 as a young mother in her mid-twenties.

24/03/1401 03:51:43 ب.ظ

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