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محتوای الکترونیکی

صفحه اصلی محتوای الکترونیکی

Future plans

Future plans

Look at these examples to see how willgoing to and the present continuous are used.

Oh great! That meeting after work's been cancelled. I'll go to that yoga class instead. 
I'm going to try to visit my relatives in Australia this year.
The restaurant is reserved for 8. We're having a drink at Beale's first.

Grammar explanation

We use different verb forms to talk about our plans for the future, depending on what kind of plan it is: a spontaneous plan, a pre-decided plan or an arrangement. 


We use will to talk about spontaneous plans decided at the moment of speaking.

Oops, I forgot to phone Mum! I'll do it after dinner. 
I can't decide what to wear tonight. I know! I'll wear my green shirt.
There's no milk. I'll buy some when I go to the shops.

going to

We use going to to talk about plans decided before the moment of speaking.

I'm going to phone Mum after dinner. I told her I'd call at 8 o'clock.
I'm going to wear my black dress tonight. 
I'm going to go to the supermarket after work. What do we need? 

Present continuous

We usually use the present continuous when the plan is an arrangement – already confirmed with at least one other person and we know the time and place.

I'm meeting Jane at 8 o'clock on Saturday. 
We're having a party next Saturday. Would you like to come?

We often use the present continuous to ask about people's future plans.

Are you doing anything interesting this weekend?


"Put your question in the box"


خودآزمایی ها

به منظور تمرین بیشتر، شما می توانید در هر آزمون خودآزمایی بیش از یک بار شرکت نمایید. اما در نهایت، تنها نتایج اولین بار شرکت در هر آزمون در قسمت بهترین ها اعمال خواهد شد. برای شرکت در خودآزمایی ها  ورود  نمایید.
 Grammar tests
Grammar test 1
Grammar test 2

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