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محتوای الکترونیکی

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Reported speech 3 – reporting verbs

Reported speech 3 – reporting verbs

Look at these examples to see how reporting verbs are used.

direct speech: 'You should come, it's going to be a lot of fun,' she said.indirect speech: She persuaded me to come.

direct speech: 'Wait here,' he said.indirect speech: He told us to wait there.

direct speech: 'It wasn't me who finished the coffee,' he said.indirect speech: He denied finishing the coffee.

Grammar explanation

When we tell someone what another person said, we often use the verbs saytell or ask. These are called 'reporting verbs'. However, we can also use other reporting verbs. Many reporting verbs can be followed by another verb in either an infinitive or an -ing form. 

Reporting verb + infinitive

Verbs like adviseagreechallengeclaimdecidedemandencourageinviteofferpersuadepromiserefuse and remind can follow an infinitive pattern.

'Let's see. I'll have the risotto, please.'
  • He decided to have the risotto.
'I'll do the report by Friday, for sure.'
  • She promised to do the report by Friday.
'It's not a good idea to write your passwords down.'
  • They advised us not to write our passwords down.

We can also use an infinitive to report imperatives, with a reporting verb like tellorderinstructdirect or warn.

'Please wait for me in reception.'
  • The guide told us to wait for her in reception.
'Don't go in there!'
  • The police officer warned us not to go in there.

Reporting verb + -ing form

Verbs like admitapologise forcomplain aboutdenyinsist onmention and suggest can follow an -ing form pattern.

'I broke the window.'

She admitted breaking the window.

'I'm really sorry I didn't get back to you sooner.'

He apologised for not getting back to me sooner.

'Let's take a break.'

She suggested taking a break.


Reported speech 1 – statements

Reported speech 2 – questions

"Put your question in the box"


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