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محتوای الکترونیکی

صفحه اصلی محتوای الکترونیکی

Talking about the past

Talking about the past

Level: intermediate

Past events and situations

We use the past simple to talk about:

  • something that happened once in the past:

The film started at seven thirty.We arrived home before dark.

  • something that was true for some time in the past:

Everybody worked hard through the winter.
We stayed with our friends in London.

When we talk about something that happened several times in the past, we use the past simple:

Most evenings, we stayed at home and watched DVDs.
Sometimes they went out for a meal.

or used to:

Most evenings, we used to stay at home and watch DVDs.
We used to go for a swim every morning.

or would:

Most evenings, he would take the dog for a walk.
They would often visit friends in Europe.

We do not normally use would with stative verbs. We use the past simple or used to instead:

He would looked much older than he does now. (NOT would look)
We would used to feel very cold in winter. (NOT would feel)


We use the past continuous:

  • for something that happened before and after a specific time in the past:

It was just after ten. I was watching the news on TV.
At half-time we were losing 1–0.

  • for something that happened before and after another action in the past:

He broke his leg when he was playing rugby.
She saw Jim as he was driving away.


The past in the past

We use the past perfect when we are looking back from a point in the past to something earlier in the past:

Helen suddenly remembered she had left her keys in the car.
When we had done all our shopping, we caught the bus home.
They wanted to buy a new computer, but they hadn't saved enough money.
They would have bought a new computer if they had saved enough money.


The past and the present

We use the present perfect:

  • for something that started in the past and continues in the present:

We have lived here since 2017. [and we still live here]
have been working at the university for over ten years.

  • for something that happened in the past but is important in the present:

I can't open the door. I've left my keys in the car.
Jenny has found a new job. She works in a supermarket now.

Be careful!
We do not use the present perfect with adverbials which refer to a finished past time:
yesterdaylast week/month/yearin 2010when I was younger  etc.

have seen that film yesterday.
We have just bought a new car last week.
When we were children we have been to California.

but we can use the present perfect with adverbials which refer to a time which is not yet finished:

todaythis morning/week/yearnow that I am eighteen   etc.

Have you seen Helen today?
We have bought a new car this week.


The future in the past

When we talk about the future from a time in the past we use:

  • would as the past tense of will:

He thought he would buy one the next day.
Everyone was excited. The party would be fun.

  • was/were going to:

John was going to drive and Mary was going to follow on her bicycle.
It was Friday. We were going to set off the next day.

  • the past continuous:

It was September. Mary was starting school the next week.
We were very busy. Our guests were arriving soon and we had to get their room ready.

The past with modal verbs

could is the past tense of can:

You could get a good meal for a pound when I was a boy.

would is the past tense of will:

He said he would come but he forgot.

We use may havemight have and could have to show that something has possibly happened in the past:

I'll telephone him. He might have got home early.
She's very late. She could have missed her train.

We use should have as the past form of should:

I didn't know he was ill. He should have told me.
You shouldn't have spent so much money.

We use would have and could have to talk about something that was possible in the past but did not happen:

could have gone to Mexico for my holiday but it was too expensive.
would have called you, but I had forgotten my phone.
They would have gone out if the weather had been better.



"Put your question in the box"



خودآزمایی ها

به منظور تمرین بیشتر، شما می توانید در هر آزمون خودآزمایی بیش از یک بار شرکت نمایید. اما در نهایت، تنها نتایج اولین بار شرکت در هر آزمون در قسمت بهترین ها اعمال خواهد شد. برای شرکت در خودآزمایی ها  ورود  نمایید.
 Grammar tests
Grammar tests 1
Grammar tests 2
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Grammar tests 4

8 نظر

بهزاد ضیائی1400/05/21

It was September. Mary was starting school the next week what does this sentence mean?

0 0
بهزاد ضیائی1400/05/24

can we say : It was September . Mary would start school the next week

0 0
ندا رضوی1401/03/21

The train crashed at 5 am and derailed. We went north for a few days. The sea had tides. Sometimes I read books in my free time. We used to sleep late every night. Most mornings, I would walk to the office. She would often would take pictures of people on the street. She would used to taste food. Reza would suspected of his wife. The food was cooked, she was still talking on the phone. He slept as his mother was reading a storybook. If we had had enough money, we would have bought a bigger house. When Sarah had not done her homework, the teacher asked. My mother has been living alone for 20 years. They have not traveled since 2020 due to the pandemic. She has turned to music, now that she is 14 years old. There was a lot of work, the manager was ordering and I had to prepare all the files by the end of the day. Last year, with this money, you could buy a good car. We could have traveled, but they would not let us.

0 0
علی کاظمی1401/03/23

They went to school in shiraz, he would often go to the cinema with his friend, they used to watch western movies. It was just after then they joining to the group. When they had started the business, the economic situation deteriorated. They have continued the collaboration since 2000. They have not had any problem untill today. They could have predicted the new patch, but they continue.

0 0
شکوه شیخی پور1401/03/23

it was just 3 years ago, I was living in spacious house. they used to eat fast food in all their parties. most of the TV show would often give the unreal news in order to change opinion of people. people were their home when the hostile was invading to their city. all the housework had finished when their mother arrived the home. since I worked here I have known her. since she graduated from university she has been working as a teacher in several schools. she has been studding foreign language for 3 years . they have bought a bigger house. they move in this month to new house.

0 0
طاهره کریمی نیا1401/05/05

We watched a funny movie at the Sepahan cinema while we were going to watch a romantic film there. To be honest, we used to watch the new films there.

0 0
فاطمه کتابچی1401/05/06

We used to go for monitoring every evening We should’ve worked harder to reach their goals

0 0
یاسمن معین الدینی1401/05/06

Two years ago ,we traveled to the north of Iran ,we started journey early in the morning then we arrived in it before dark.we stayed with our family in it .most morning,we went to the sea and saw a spectacular view of shores and was siwmming ,sometimes we went out for meal ,most evening we used to go shopping or we would often go to the jungle , during the journey ,my brother broke his leg when he was play ing football in jungle

0 0

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