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IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic: Spend money on roads and motorways than on public transport systems

IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic: Spend money on roads and motorways than on public transport systems

Some people think it is more important to spend money on roads and motorways than on public transport systems. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Band 7.0 Answer by IELTS Test Taker

It is argued that more funds should be allocated to roads and motorways rather than to public transport systems. I am in complete disagreement with this opinion.

On the one hand, I can understand why spending money on road networks gains the support of many people. Their view is that better road quality would increase the levels of safety and ease traffic congestion. Firstly, the better quality of motorways means a considerable decline in road mortality and injury rates. This is justifiable since the roads in some countries are fraught with holes and obstacles, plaguing people with danger and insecurity. In this sense, the amelioration of poor road infrastructures would ensure the safety of travellers. Secondly, expanding roads and building more motorways are believed to curb traffic jams. Traffic congestion is a major concern in big cities where massive numbers of vehicles travel on the road during hours of peak demand. This vexed problem could be tackled as wider roads provide maximum travel time in free-flowing traffic.

However, I would argue that spending on public transport is a better investment for a few reasonsCompared to vehicles, high-capacity public transit modes can accommodate a larger number of passengers at a time. This could be exemplified by integrated and expansive public transport networks in Australia. Recent estimates indicate that each train on Sydney’s railways removes approximately 1000 cars from its roads. Therefore, a modal shift from private to public transport would tremendously alleviate urban congestion which has been considered as one of the productivity bottlenecks in developed economies. Moreover, efficient public transport systems are a contributor to a cleaner environment. By removing cars from streets, public transit plays a pivotal role in the abatement of carbon emissions. Not only does this reduce air pollution, but it also mitigates the effects of climate change as a whole.

Based on the above-mentioned arguments, I acquiesce in the view that money should be invested in public transport systems rather than road networks.

Comment :

This essay is very well written. There is no serious mistake in terms of grammar and word choice, in my opinion. However, I have my reservations about the task response, as I am not sure if the second paragraph is relevant to the question. In your shoes, I would write a different essay:

  • ·             Introduction: I agree that spending on public transport is better than on the road system.
  • ·             Body 1: Benefits of allocating the public purse to public transport.
  • ·             Body 2: Drawbacks of widening the road system. 1: This merely encourages the use of private vehicles. 2: In some cities, land is scarce, so building more roads is far-fetched.

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