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Nowadays, more and more older people who need employment

Nowadays, more and more older people who need employment

IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic:

Nowadays, more and more older people who need employment compete with the younger people for the same jobs. What problems this causes? What are solutions?

Band 8.0 Model Essay

It is true that competition is a significant attitude in a workplace which is more prevalent between young and old employees. There are numerous reasons regarding this issue, and various measures can be taken by governments to improve this situation.

The first predictable consequence is the abundance of mature-aged employees. Even though there is no disputing the fact that the aging workforce is highly experienced, they seem to be less productive due to their health deterioration. This would negatively influence their job performance as a result. The other outcome is the increasing unemployment rate among junior workers, which is often reported to be the major cause of teenage crimes. Because of joblessness, youngsters often lack money, and thus they may misbehave, such as spoiling, killing, etc. to live from day to day. Consequently, not only does our society indirectly incite crime in youths, but we also do not effectively exploit young workers who seem to be non-experienced but dedicated to working.

To mitigate these problems, I think companies should soon implement early retirement incentive programs for devoted elderly laborers. Special healthcare and other social welfare payments should be given to ensure that they live healthily for the rest of their lives. Besides, employers should also create more job opportunities for young employees. Take, for example, a fast-track scheme, a system for rapid training and job promotion of talented young staff. In this way, they can develop their potential to the fullest and make significant contributions to the company they are working for.

In conclusion, young and old workers play an equally important role in each company’s growth. Therefore, it is necessary for managers to lead a multi-generational workforce by training activities as well as staff incentive schemes.

Bonus essay topics:

  1. Nowadays, many people cannot read or write. What problems does this cause? What measures can governments take to solve these problems?
  2. Nowadays many youngsters constantly look for job opportunities abroad because of the higher standards of living they can find outside their home country. Do you think this brings more advantages or disadvantages to the people who follow this path?

2 نظر

ندا رضوی1401/05/02

In this present era, it can be observed that many of mature people are competing with younger members for the same jobs vacancies. So, this essay will discuss possible consequences and how this issue can be solved. The first, the predictable consequence could be abundance of people looking for jobs is higher than actual job positions. The main reason for the increase in demand is population growth, while job opportunities cannot grow as fast as the population. The other outcome is the cost of living is increasing, so people have to work even after they are retired in order to be able to pay their expenses. Despite of the highly experienced of the aging workforce, they seem to be less productive due to their health deterioration. But they have to keep working or compete with the new workforce in order to make a living. To mitigate these problems, I think companies should soon implement early retirement incentive programs and increase pension payments for devoted elderly laborers in order to prevent the need for work after a certain age like 65. Besides, the government can subsidize housing and some community services to reduce the cost of living. Special healthcare and other social welfare payments should be given to ensure that they live healthily for the rest of their lives. In conclusion, the high cost of living and imbalance between job demand and supply cause lots of competition in job markets. To tackle this problem, the government should make people retire at a certain age and make sure they have enough money to make a living by increasing the pension and reducing the cost of living.

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علی کاظمی1401/05/03

The workplace each day becomes more and more competitive and although alot of new jobs produces since technology development but population increase has kept the demand rate for employment on the rise and in conclusion, the abundance of people looking for jobs is always higher than actual job positions. The competition between younger and older person who are looking for employment opportunities is an old faulty problems of workplaces However it seems that low level job which requires fewer skills have this problem, so that employers of specialized jobs, rarely lose people who have been trained for years. Seldomly you see a mature surger or electronic engineer who fight for job position. In anyway, society needs all kinds of jobs and government should guaranteed job security for all sections. First expected solution is to provide more job opportunities, so that the employment demand will decrease and the problem will solve but in fact, practically, these won't work because free market and a healthy economy should define job positions based on needs, and the initiative to create jobs without considering the needs of the market mainly leads to more inflation and double pressure on the weak class of society. The most logical solution on the part of the government is to prepare support bills and expand the coverage of social security and pension insurance. On the other hand organizations and business owners should Look at human resources as a vital capital and always consider on-the-job training as a valuable long-term investment. (250 words)

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