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A wild Animal : IELTS Speaking Practice Test 10

A wild Animal : IELTS Speaking Practice Test 10

Speaking Part 2

1Do you like animals?

Yes, but to be honest I like animals which are friendly to human beings like cats and dogs. And I really fear others.

2Are people in your country fond of animals?

Partially yes, because many people have pets and are very fond of animals but on the other hand, there are people who don’t like animals at all. Some people are allergic to the smell and touch of animals

3What kinds of animals as pets do people have in your country?

In most places, you will find either a dog, cat, fish, or a bird. Some people also have turtles as their pets.

4Do you think cities are suitable places for keeping a pet?

I don’t think so. Cities are not very much suitable for keeping pets as there is always a buzz and heavy traffic on roads. Also, roads are so dangerous and prone to accidents that animals can’t roam. Moreover, every area has construction sites that may have equipment that harms animals.

Speaking Part 2

Describe a wild animal

You should say

  • what the animal is
  •  what it looks like
  •  where it lives and explain how you feel about this animal

Sample Answer

Here is the sample for the “describe a wild animal from your country” topic:

I’ll describe an endangered animal in northeastern China. It’s called the Manchurian or Siberian tiger. Manchurian tigers are very impressive animals. Like all tigers, they have orange and black stripes and a white underside, and powerful claws and teeth. The largest is nearly 1.5 meters tall, and can weigh between 300 and 400 kilos of muscle! They are the largest of the cat family and the most effective and dangerous hunters. They are found all over Siberia and in a few places in northeastern China. They usually hunt and live alone, and only meet other tigers during the mating season. I think there are less than 50 of them in the wild in China. There are more kept in captivity, in zoos or special parks. There is one wildlife park in Harbin that is famous for its many Manchurian tigers.

Most Chinese admire the tiger as a symbol of strength and fierceness. Tigers have had place in Chinese culture for thousands of years. They are found in Chinese literature new and old and are the subject of many famous paintings, But I don’t think many Chinese know that this special breed of tigers is all but wiped out in the wild. I hope more efforts will be made in the future to protect the tiger’s environment. Without the forests they live and hunt in, Manchurian tigers can only exist in captivity.

Vocabulary for Cue Card

Here are the vocabularies for “describe a wild animal from your country” with examples:

  • Endangered: (of a species) Seriously at risk of extinction.
    Eg: Tiger is one of the endangered species worldwide.
  • Fierceness: Wild or hostile
    Eg: Cheetah is known for its fierceness 
  • Captivity: The condition of being imprisoned or confined.
    Eg: He was under 366 days of captivity
  • Mating: The action of animals coming together to breed
    Eg: “These birds start mating in May.”    

Speaking Part 3

1 Do many people in China like to have a pet?

I think the number of Chinese who like pets is less than half the total population. Many Chinese are afraid of common pets. I think it’s very funny, but some are really scared of animals, even very tiny and harmless ones. This may be because of something in their childhood, I don’t know. There are many people in China who like pets, but not the majority, for sure.

2 What kinds of pets are the most popular in China?

Dogs and cats are by far the most common. I think the single most common pet is either the Pekingese dog or the Pug dog. I think they are both quite ugly, but sometimes they’re so ugly they’re cute. A lot of people also keep guard dogs to protect their property.

3 What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of having a pet?

A pet can be a good friend: sometimes the best friend. Pets are also great playmates for children. I think it’s very good for kids to have a pet when growing up. The disadvantages are that pets are expensive to feed and care for, and require a lot of time, depending on the kind of pet.

4Do you think there should be laws to protect the welfare of pets and farm animals?

I don’t really know. I guess there should be laws, but we really shouldn’t need them. People should be responsible enough to treat pets and farm animals well. But since many people are too selfish to care, we must have some laws. But the laws shouldn’t become so important that they nearly equal laws protecting the welfare of human beings.

5 Are there any wild animals in China that are not found in any other country?

Yes. The giant panda and the Tibetan antelope. There are probably also some birds and other animals that are only found here, but I don’t know anything about them. It’s sad, but the animals that are found only in China are the ones that are the most endangered. I think that’s the same for other countries, though.

6 How do Chinese people feel about the protection of wild animals?

Many Chinese are only now beginning to learn about the importance of protecting wild animals, as well as the environment they live in. The new generations are being taught to respect wild animals. But people never even see them except on TV, so they only have a vague idea of the need to protect them. I admire the many brave people who have made sacrifices to protect wild animals, like the Kekexili mountain patrol. There was a recent movie made about them.

7 What do you think are some of the benefits to humans of protecting wild animals?

I’m not sure what benefits there are, but I know that everything in nature is there for a reason. If one species dies out, it can upset the balance of nature and do a lot of damage in the long run. Wild animals don’t always directly affect people, but often, they fill a special role in the balance that we are also part of and affect other species of plants that we are directly dependent on. So we should protect them, because we may be protecting ourselves without knowing it.

8 What is the purpose of having zoos?

Zoos are really a compromise, I think. They are a way for people who live in the city, especially children, to see wild animals. But I think that unless the zoos are the best quality, they shouldn’t be operated, as it’s cruel to keep wild animals in small cages or dirty surroundings. High standard zoos can be good, as they educate the general public about the world around them. But I still think it would be better if people could learn about animals straight from nature, not seeing them in zoos.

9 How do you think zoos in China could be improved?

Many zoos in China are poorly equipped, due to lack of funding. Zoos are not so popular or common. I think that they could be improved by more cooperation with other zoos in the west that are well-operated and have good techniques and facilities we can learn from.

Vocabulary for Speaking Part 3

  • Antelope: A swift-running deerlike ruminant with smooth hair and upward-pointing horns
    Eg: A lot of antelope can be found in the forest reserves
  • Vague: Of uncertain 
    Eg: Patients are showing vague symptoms of coronavirus
  • Compromises: An agreement or settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions.
    Eg: John compromised with Kim.  
  • Patrol: An expedition to keep watch over an area 
    Eg: The night patrol has begun.

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