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IELTS Speaking Practice Test 31 & Sample Answers

IELTS Speaking Practice Test 31 & Sample Answers

Speaking Part 1

1What is your name/full name?

My name is Thea.

2Can I see your ID?

Of course, here you are.

3Do you work or study?

Currently, I am studying at Banking University where I major in International Business Economics.

4What subjects are you studying/ What is your favorite subject?

Well as you know, I am majoring in economics, therefore most of the time we study subjects related to trade, commerce, theory of economics and so on. However, talking about my favorite subject, I suppose I have to name Tax Principle, which gives me lots of interesting view on the way our market circulates.

5What field do you want to work in the future/ What job do you like?

Since I am now spending a great deal of time studying Economics, I want to work in the corporate world. To be more specific, I have a great passion in becoming an expert at Accounting and Auditing field. I can see myself as a senior auditor in the next 3 years.

Speaking Part 2

Describe a person older than you whom you like to spend time with.

You should say:

  • who is this person?
  • when and where did you both meet?
  • why do you like to spend time with him/her?

Sample Answer 

I guess I could begin by saying something about who this person is and I think I would have to choose one of my neighbors – Mr. Nam. In fact, he is the one who made big impression on me at the very first moment when we met by his broad horizon of history knowledge and great sense of humor. Going on to my next point, which is when and where we met. Well, Mr. Nam is not the local in my neighborhood, to be more precise, he moved in 3 years ago after retiring at his hometown. When I first bumped into him, I remember asking him the reason for choosing this city and his response really astonished me – that he wanted to learn more about this land’s history and culture. From then onward, I have never wanted to stop the desire of learning more about lots of new lands’ cultures through his amazing stories. Besides knowledge, he also gives me the experience of seeing things from different angles. Actually, this helps me a whole lot in my work and study at university. In fact Mr. Nam is one of the most admirable people that have ever showed up in my life.

Vocabulary For Cue card

  • Horizon: the line at which the earth’s surface and the sky appear to meet.
    Eg: she wanted to expand her horizons.
  • Precise: exactly or sharply defined or stated
    Eg: The literature was so precise that it was crystal clear to everyone .
  • Admirable: arousing or deserving respect and approval.
    Eg: Rima’s father is an admirable person

Speaking Part 3

1Do you think old people’s life is better now compared to the past?

Generally speaking, I always consider that nowadays, elderly people’s life is way more improved compared to the old days. The reason mainly lies in the fact that today, people are surrounded by lots of convenient equipment that allows them to live more comfortably. In addition, the rapid innovations in medical science also make a great contribution in slowing down aging process and expanding life expectancy. That’s why I think the life quality of old people has been upgraded a lot so far.

2Do you think old people have influence on children?

To some extent I would say yes, elderly people do have some impact on children, especially their behaviors. This is because children tend to imitate what they have seen from older people’s daily activities and conversations. Old people also play an important role in educating their children about social knowledge and living experience, especially when these things are not usually taught at school or academic institutions. Therefore, from my point of view, older people do impact on their children’s forming probation.

3What can children learn from old people?

Obviously, there is no doubt to say that elderly people are an enormous resource in terms of living experience and tactics of behaving. Old people indeed have gone through lots of ups and downs in their lives and on that journey, most have constantly accumulated a myriad of experience as well as skills of behaving appropriately. These stuffs are hardly taught in any academic institutions but passed down by our seniors. Hence, children can take a lot of precious lessons from the old people around them.

Vocabulary For Speaking Part 3

  • Expectancy: the state of thinking or hoping that something, especially something good, will happen.
    Eg: The average life expectancy of mankind is decreasing at an alarming rate.
  • Enormous:  extremely large
    Eg: He saw the enormous mass of the Russian army 
  • Imitate: to follow as a pattern, model.
    Eg: The new dog imitated the toy.
  • Tactics: an action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end.
    Eg: All the tactics of computer science were employed in software engineering.
  • Myriad: innumerable
    Eg: There were a myriad of soldiers killed during World war
  • Probation: the release of an offender from detention, subject to a period of good behaviour under supervision
    Eg: His  probation period was 2 months 

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