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Flowers – IELTS Speaking Practice Test 41 & Band 8.0 Sample Answers

Flowers – IELTS Speaking Practice Test 41 & Band 8.0 Sample Answers

Speaking Part 1

1Do you like to have flowers in your home?

I love flowers so I often buy a bouquet of roses at home. The scent of roses makes me feel so relaxed and happy.

2Where would you go to buy flowers?

Normally I buy from the street vendors as the flowers are convenient and cheap. I sometimes buy at  florists because they have flowers which are out of the ordinary.

3On what occasions would you give someone flowers?

I think flowers can be given anytime no matter what kind of event it is. Different flowers have different meanings so flowers can complement the present and make it more special.

4Where can you see flowers in your country?

Well, flowers are everywhere. There are lots of flowers on the street or painted on the clothes. They harmonize with the surroundings and make it more stunning.

5Are flowers important in your culture?

I’d say yes. Flowers add a splash of color so a room would be gloomy and boring without them. Besides, they make people feel peaceful and happy with riot of colours .

6What flowers have special meaning in your country?(OR Do any flowers have a special meaning in your country?)

In my country, lotus is national flower because it symbolizes purity and optimism. It is the flower which grows in muddy water and blooms with remarkable beauty.

7Do you like science?

Yes, I do. I find it intriguing as it reveals hidden secrets. I’m a curious person so science helps me explain everything in a logical way.

8What science subject at school do/did you like the most? Why?

I’m interested in chemistry and biology, because I love to find out how our bodies work and get to know better the things that surround us daily. Those subjects excite me in a way that nothing can make and I’m still into it now.

9What’s the most interesting  part of science to you?

I  love working with something as  complex as the brain. We hardly know how it works at all but every day we find out a little bit more and we can use that information not only to help people who are sick but also in completely different areas of science like  artificial intelligence.

10Is there anything about science that you dislike?

At some schools, science is taught poorly which kills the student’s interest. Science is supposed to  figure out the answers for mystery things but the lack of cutting-edge facilities in the lab makes it more difficult. Besides, lots of experiments need to be taken so it takes lots of time to find true result.

11Is your work related to science?

I’m an English teacher so it is irrelevant to science. My job is all about vocabulary and grammar and there is no experiment at all. But I think science is really intriguing and I sometimes watch some science programs on Discovery channel.

12Are there lots of noise in your place?

Well, my city is a crowded place so there are lots of noises. They come from traffic,  industrial areas and so on.

13Are you affected by the noise?

If the sound is not too loud, I can still focus but I can’t stand loud noise for a long time. It causes headache and tiredness.

14Is life getting noisier than the past?

I do agree.  The cities are developing significantly so more and more industrial zones will  be built. Our lives will be noisier as a result.

15What kind of noise do you like?

I like loud music, indeed. It blows my mind so I can relieve all of  my pressure and get back to work more effectively.

16What sounds do you dislike?

I’m really bothered by the noise of the drill. It seems to never stop and makes me furious.

16What sounds remind you of your childhood?

It’s the sound of the beach. It (1) brings the sense of tranquility and reminds me of old days. I had lots of (2)  joyful moments with the beach with friends so that sound comforts me

 Speaking Part 2

Describe a situation that you got a little angry.

You should say :

  • where it happened
  • when it happened
  • who you were with and why you felt angry?

Sample Answer

I do not usually get angry and am definitely not a (1short-tempered person who gets angry easily for silly reasons. Yet there was a time when  I was so angry with my friends that we didn’t talk for some days.  I have a friend coming from India and that was his first trip to Vietnam . I was so excited to meet him and I even asked my friends to join. We were both (2) eager  that day and set up so many plans. After having breakfast , I received a call from my friend that she’d be late for 10 minutes. I was a bit nervous that she would  not (3)show up but I still (4) assured her that we could wait and I didn’t want to rush her. My friend is the one who always comes late so I reminded her that the plan wouldn’t work out without her. We waited for her for 40 minutes then she told me she couldn’t make it. Moreover, the reason she gave was unacceptable. She told me that she had to stay at home for her upcoming exam. I was(5)  furious and so embarrassed with my friend. He didn’t say anything but I know he was unhappy. She made us wait for an hour and made a bad impression for a new friend. I tried to (7)calm the water and changed the plan to (8) make up for my friend.  That was the time when I was about to (9) lose my temper and I don’t want to be in that situation again.

Vocabulary For Cue card

  • Eager: someone is excited about Eg: She is eager to know about someone who is into science and fiction.
  • Showup: arrive or turn up for an appointment or gathering.Eg: She did not showup at 7:00 PM.
  • Assured: confidentEg: She was much more assured about her performance than others.
  • Furious: fully of furyEg: Rima was furious about her mothers performance

 Speaking Part 3

1Do you think people like expressing or hiding emotion?

I think that it depends on gender. It is very obvious that men and women differ in the way they each express their emotions. While women tend to  confide with their friends about everything, men are likely to hide it away. For instance, women can cry over break up for a long time and they still remember how does it feel after on. Men just go angry and bitter about the relationship for a while.

2Do people in your country show or hide emotions?

It’s hard to say as different people have different way to express their emotions. I guess the young tend to express emotions easier than the elderly. They aren’t mature enough so they smile when they are happy and cry when they are (1) blue. They express (2)  raw emotions  even  negative ones.  On the other hand, adults or old people are less likely to share some emotions like depression or confusion. Maybe they don’t want to make others worried so they (3) disguise their feelings.

3What do you think about people who hide their emotions?

I think they are emotional independence. They aren’t easily controlled  by emotions no matter how negative it is. Some people are vulnerable so if they mask it, they’ll be more optimistic and stronger. That’s why  they don’t want their true emotions be seen by others and keep it private.

4How can the kids recognize emotions of others?

I’ve never thought about this question before..  I guess they can recognize by (1) facial expressions or(2)  body language, tone of voice. The kids will know how to identify emotions when they learn how to read those expressions.

Vocabulary For Speaking Part 3

  • Furious: fully of fury
    Eg: Rima was furious about her mothers performance 
  • Lose my temper: you become so angry that you shout at someone
    Eg: He lost his temper at the end of the fight
  • Make up: for compensate for something lost 
    Eg She made up for the loss by working late nights
  • Raw emotions: quality of emotion that is strong and natural
    Eg: There were raw emotions at the start of the novel 
  • Disguise: their feelings to give a new appearance
    Eg: He disguised himself as a fool
  • Emotional independence: ability to regulate your emotions and still feel good about yourself.
    Eg: Throughout the party she was emotionally independent in herself.
  • Vulnerable: exposed to the possibility of being attacked 
    Eg: Kids are vulnerable to diseases.
  • Body language: the conscious and unconscious movement and postures by which attitude and feelings.
    Eg: I just got attracted by his body language at the concert.

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