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محتواهای الکترونیکی

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محتوای الکترونیکی

Shocking facts about electricity
Shocking facts about electricity

When visiting another country and taking our electronic goods we may find ourselves checking plugs and voltage, looking for an adaptor and trying to avoid blowing a fuse. Neil and Georgina talk about how electrical systems differ from country to country and teach you related vocabulary along the way.

24/03/1401 07:32:45 ب.ظ

The soothing power of books
The soothing power of books

How can books help us relax and feel more alive during troubled times? Would reading be one of the best ways to find relief from the pressures of modern life? Neil and Georgina talk about 'bibliotherapy' and teach you related vocabulary along the way.

24/03/1401 07:25:24 ب.ظ

Is the recycling system broken?
Is the recycling system broken?

With countries shutting their doors to foreign recyclable waste and a lack of processing capacity in Western countries, is the recycling system broken? Neil and Georgina talk about the excessive reliance on recycling rather than reducing the use of plastics and they teach you related vocabulary along the way.

24/03/1401 07:25:03 ب.ظ

What difference has #MeToo made?
What difference has #MeToo made?

#MeToo has become an expression of solidarity among women to expose the truth about abusive sexual behaviour. The message went viral due to public support from famous Hollywood actresses, but the phrase itself was thought up years earlier by civil rights activist, Tarana Burke. Sam and Georgina talk about the movement and teach you related vocabulary.

11/11/1400 10:16:51 ق.ظ

The food delivery revolution
The food delivery revolution

Takeaway apps are changing food culture - if in the past, food delivery meant having a pizza or a curry when you didn't feel like cooking. Now you can find dishes cooked by chefs at 'virtual' restaurants. Neil and Georgina talk about 'dark kitchens' and teach you tasty vocabulary.

24/03/1401 07:24:15 ب.ظ

Is being thrifty a virtue?
Is being thrifty a virtue?

Are you keen on spending money or are you a proud saver? Today’s programme is all about ‘thrift’, which has to do with living a simple life free from the need to constantly buy the latest products. Neil and Sam talk about the history of 'thrift' and teach you related vocabulary.

24/03/1401 07:21:23 ب.ظ

Millennials and business
Millennials and business

It seems the millennial generation are attracted to starting their own businesses and it's not just about making money, but also about passion and doing good. Rob and Sam discuss why the millennial generation are dissatisfied with the old ways of doing things and how they're trying to make the world a better place.

24/03/1401 07:31:14 ب.ظ

Should we wear a face mask?
Should we wear a face mask?

With the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic, people in many countries around the world have started wearing face masks to protect both themselves and others they come into contact with. In this programme Rob and Sam discuss whether wearing masks in public can help prevent the spread of coronavirus in the community.

24/03/1401 07:33:15 ب.ظ

Covid-19: The office after lockdown
Covid-19: The office after lockdown

The coronavirus outbreak is changing the workplace. As employees slowly return to work after lockdown, tech companies are busy finding ways for them return safely. Neil and Sam discuss new technology being tried in offices and teach you related vocabulary.

24/03/1401 07:08:00 ب.ظ

Sport against poverty
Sport against poverty

Sport is changing lives and giving hope to young people leading the toughest lives. Neil and Sam discuss how surfing is changing the lives of some South African kids and skateboarding is giving more confidence to Afghan children. For you, new vocabulary!

24/03/1401 07:22:42 ب.ظ

Food made in space
Food made in space

You are used to having your vegetables coming from agricultural land, but how about space? Listen to the programme to find out how growing plants in space might help develop crops which are more productive and more resistant to climate change here on Earth

24/03/1401 07:13:32 ب.ظ

The medicine of coronavirus
The medicine of coronavirus

In this programme, we’ll be looking at the origins of Covid-19 and hearing new evidence about the scale of the threat we face from the disease. And of course we’ll be learning some new vocabulary as well.

24/03/1401 07:25:03 ب.ظ

No more bosses
No more bosses

In this programme, we hear from companies that have got rid of managers and say it has helped staff do a better job, made them happier and saved money. And what could be the pitfall of not having bosses? Neil and Georgina discuss the topic and ... without bossing you, they teach you vocabulary.

24/03/1401 07:32:23 ب.ظ

Is this the era of distrust?
Is this the era of distrust?

In an era of fake news, where even a president of the United States is accused of spreading misinformation, could it be that we are living through a crisis in trust? Neil and Rob discuss the meaning of trust and teach you the honest truth about topical vocabulary.

24/03/1401 07:26:13 ب.ظ

Will Covid-19 change cities?
Will Covid-19 change cities?

From the bubonic plague and cholera to tuberculosis, pandemics have changed the ways cities have evolved. The coronavirus has been no different: with cities all over the world on lockdown, our cities have changed to become quieter and greener, with wildlife returning on an unprecedented scale.

24/03/1401 07:21:57 ب.ظ

What’s the point of blood types?
What’s the point of blood types?

What's your blood type? In this programme we’ll be finding out all about blood – why humans have different blood types and whether blood is something more than just a way of pumping oxygen around your body. And of course we’ll be teaching some new vocabulary as well.

24/03/1401 07:20:49 ب.ظ

How to talk about conspiracy theories
How to talk about conspiracy theories

Conspiracy theories are not a new phenomenon - some people still don't believe that man has ever been to the Moon. But with the coronavirus pandemic has come a huge wave of novel online misinformation, including some outlandish ideas, and some panicky people are buying into them.

24/03/1401 07:19:24 ب.ظ

Is there a future without bees?
Is there a future without bees?

Bee numbers are declining at an alarming rate and in some places disappearing altogether, which has serious consequences for humans. Today, one third of the food we eat depends on insects to pollinate crops, fruit and vegetables. Busy bees Neil and Sam discuss what's being done to find a solution to the problem, and teach you vocabulary along the way.

24/03/1401 07:25:34 ب.ظ

Grandma therapy in Zimbabwe
Grandma therapy in Zimbabwe

Grandmothers in Zimbabwe are being trained to provide therapy to people in their community. The African country has over 14 million people but fewer than 20 psychiatrists. After years of economic turmoil, unemployment and HIV, mental health is a huge challenge, and doctors estimate that one in four Zimbabweans suffers from depression or anxiety.

24/03/1401 07:16:01 ب.ظ

Coronavirus: Dealing with mass unemployment
Coronavirus: Dealing with mass unemployment

The coronavirus pandemic has caused millions of people to lose their jobs and forced thousands more temporarily out of work, with no idea if they'll still have a job to go back to. In this programme, we’ll be assessing the post-Covid job landscape and asking whether a radical new approach is needed to prevent global mass unemployment.

24/03/1401 06:04:16 ب.ظ

How can we make the web a better place?
How can we make the web a better place?

In this programme, we’ll hear about a new academic subject called Web Science, which studies the technology behind the internet. But from the human side, it’s also interested in how people interact with each other online. So we’ll be asking whether studying Web Science could make the internet better for humanity in the future.

24/03/1401 07:18:37 ب.ظ

Do chimps have the same emotions as us?
Do chimps have the same emotions as us?

In this programme, we’ll be hearing iconic environmentalist Jane Goodall reflect on how attitudes have changed as science has uncovered the deep connections between humans and the great apes. Rob and Sam talk about our close relatives and teach you vocabulary along the way.

24/03/1401 07:09:52 ب.ظ

Hacking help for US elections
Hacking help for US elections

The 2020 presidential elections in the US, in which President Donald Trump faces the Democrat candidate Joe Biden, are causing a lot of controversy. In the US many votes are cast digitally and there are plans to enlist the help of hackers to reduce the risk of cyber-attacks on election day. Rob and Sam discuss the initiative and teach you vocabulary along the way.

24/03/1401 07:16:38 ب.ظ

Could humans live in underwater cities?
Could humans live in underwater cities?

While human exploration of space has landed a man on the Moon and journeyed to the surface of Mars, our dreams of living in cities under the sea have not come true yet. Neil and Rob talk about some projects of underwater habitats and teach you vocabulary along the way

24/03/1401 06:08:46 ب.ظ

Walkman: the music player revolution
Walkman: the music player revolution

Years before iPods and MP3 downloads, the Sony Walkman was the first widely available portable music player. It revolutionised the way fans listened to their favourite bands. In this programme, Neil and Georgina take a nostalgic look back at the 1980s and the birth of the Walkman and teach you vocabulary along the way.

24/03/1401 07:26:52 ب.ظ

Melting ice sheet: Is it too late?
Melting ice sheet: Is it too late?

This year's global heating and melting polar ice has many scientists asking whether it’s now too late to stop global warming. Have we have reached the point of no return? Neil and Georgina talk about the effects of climate change on the Arctic, and teach you vocabulary along the way.

24/03/1401 07:30:15 ب.ظ

Could you be a victim of online fraud?
Could you be a victim of online fraud?

Online fraud involves using the internet to trick someone into giving away their money or data and takes many forms. It is regarded by some as a highly profitable and relatively low-risk crime. Neil and Georgina talk about online fraud and how it is becoming more common as well as teaching you some useful vocabulary along the way.

24/03/1401 06:54:24 ب.ظ

Is punctuality important?
Is punctuality important?

Some people are always on time but others are always late - they never allow enough time to get somewhere. Lateness can also sometimes be attributed to an underlying fear of being early. Neil and Catherine talk about different people's attitude to being on time.

24/03/1401 07:24:25 ب.ظ


Loneliness can affect all people at different times in their lives, but is it a new idea or something humans have always experienced? Neil and Rob talk about loneliness and how some people prefer their own company.

24/03/1401 07:29:01 ب.ظ

Why do we choose to text instead of talk?
Why do we choose to text instead of talk?

Some people are too busy texting to talk. With the huge rise of mobile phones in recent decades, communicating by text has become more and more popular. Neil and Georgina talk about why people often choose to text, instead of talk to the people in their lives.

24/03/1401 07:21:36 ب.ظ

Can jellyfish help us solve our problems?
Can jellyfish help us solve our problems?

Scientific research is discovering that jellyfish might provide a solution to plastic pollution in seas and oceans. Neil and Georgina learn how these rubbery sea creatures could help

24/03/1401 05:04:32 ب.ظ

Are trees intelligent?
Are trees intelligent?

According to Suzanne Simard, one of the world’s leading tree researchers, trees should be seen as intelligent. Neil and Georgina talk about trees and how they can communicate and help each other as well as recognise family members.

24/03/1401 04:57:48 ب.ظ

Coronavirus vs other pandemics
Coronavirus vs other pandemics

Compared to historical pandemics like the Spanish flu and economic crises like the Great Depression, coronavirus isn’t apparently so bad. Neil and Georgina discuss a historian’s view of coronavirus versus other pandemics.

24/03/1401 06:03:21 ب.ظ

Comfort Food
Comfort Food

Cakes, chocolate and crisps! Comfort food refers to snacks and meals we like to stuff our faces with, even if it’s not always good for us. Neil and Rob talk about comfort food and what actually makes us eat it.

24/03/1401 05:05:56 ب.ظ

What is fat-shaming?
What is fat-shaming?

Incidents of fat-shaming, when someone is criticised or humiliated for being overweight, are on the rise. Neil and Georgina discuss where the attitudes behind fat-shaming come from

24/03/1401 07:20:03 ب.ظ

For the love of foreign languages
For the love of foreign languages

How many languages would you like to speak? Do you agree that "to have another language is to possess a second soul"? Neil and Rob talk about polyglots and teach you some English vocabulary.

24/03/1401 07:15:01 ب.ظ

The woman whose cells never die
The woman whose cells never die

Henrietta Lacks made an amazing contribution to medical research which has only recently been recognised. Rob and Georgina discuss her remarkable story.

24/03/1401 07:25:43 ب.ظ

Charles Darwin - a genius remembered
Charles Darwin - a genius remembered

Charles Darwin was one of the most influential scientists of his time, whose observations changed the way in which life itself was understood.

24/03/1401 05:05:10 ب.ظ

Working for yourself
Working for yourself

Many people choose to, or have to work as a freelancer to survive, but is it worth the risk? Rob and Georgina talk about the advantages and disadvantages of freelancing.

24/03/1401 07:22:15 ب.ظ

Singing in tune
Singing in tune

The act of singing is a very complex skill, involving a huge number of processes in our bodies and brains. Neil and Georgina discuss singing and how it’s not essential to sing in tune to benefit from doing it

24/03/1401 07:26:48 ب.ظ

Covid : One year on
Covid : One year on

Covid-19 has been responsible for more than two million deaths globally. Over a year on since the first outbreak, what have we learnt? Neil and Georgina look back over the situation and see how our knowledge has changed.

24/03/1401 06:56:16 ب.ظ

English accents & dialects
English accents & dialects

Is English one language? Or several? The answer to this question depends on how you define the word "language". But however the word is defined, it is clear that English is a language with many different varieties.

24/03/1401 07:11:27 ب.ظ

Looking for utopia
Looking for utopia

Many people aspire to create a happy place where everyone is cared for and nobody goes without. Rob and Georgina talk about how to create utopia.

24/03/1401 07:29:41 ب.ظ

What’s the key to happiness?
What’s the key to happiness?

Feeling happy is more important than ever right now, especially as many things seem to be out of our control. Neil and Georgina talk about what small things you can do to feel better about life.

24/03/1401 07:20:27 ب.ظ

A Rose by any other Name...
A Rose by any other Name...

What's in a name? Or a word? Some words have many meanings, others can be used with different values attached to them. But as Shakespeare pointed out, changing the word you use does not change the object or idea that it refers to.

24/03/1401 04:52:05 ب.ظ

Thinking it over with baby
Thinking it over with baby

Being a teenager and a mother at the same time is generally not a good idea, and a program in the USA helps teens to discover the reality of having a baby without actually having one.

24/03/1401 07:26:06 ب.ظ

Digital help for blind people
Digital help for blind people

Digital technology is dramatically improving the lives of blind people all around the world. Neil and Georgina talk about these inventions which help blind people work around their challenges.

24/03/1401 07:09:10 ب.ظ

Astronauts on strike?
Astronauts on strike?

What do you do if you are annoyed with your boss and your workplace is... space? In 1973, three US astronauts on board the Skylab space station had a disagreement with mission control. Neil and Georgina talk about what really happened.

24/03/1401 04:58:35 ب.ظ

Is English really English?
Is English really English?

Many of the English words we use today like beer, hand, mother and love have all survived from Old English. Neil and Georgina discuss where the English language we use today really comes from.

24/03/1401 07:22:16 ب.ظ

The language of biscuits
The language of biscuits

Rob and Neil talk about the origins and the language of this humble snack. Learn why it became popular during the Industrial Revolution and pick up some related vocabulary along the way.

24/03/1401 07:24:38 ب.ظ

Naked in nature
Naked in nature

Naturists think not wearing clothes outdoors is a healthy way to live, and it makes them feel good. Georgina and Neil discuss why being naked in nature might be good for you.

24/03/1401 07:31:38 ب.ظ

US and China vs climate change
US and China vs climate change

Can the world's two biggest emitters of greenhouse gases – the USA and China - work together for the good of the environment? That's what we will be watching when their representatives meet in November for a climate summit. Neil and Rob discuss the issues around climate and teach you vocabulary along the way.

24/03/1401 07:26:30 ب.ظ

A quieter world
A quieter world

Whether it’s the natural sounds of birdsong or the beeping sound on a reversing lorry - noise is something that always surrounds us. Neil and Georgina discuss noise and whether it is bad for our health.

24/03/1401 04:51:19 ب.ظ


Half-human, half-fish creatures have captured the imagination of people in different parts of the world. Neil and Georgina talk about different representations of mermaids and teach you related vocabulary along the way.

24/03/1401 07:30:53 ب.ظ

When males are not needed
When males are not needed

Many animals can reproduce without having sex. Does it bring any advantage to the species that do that? Neil and Rob talk about science, listen to an evolutionary biologist and teach you vocabulary along the way.

24/03/1401 07:21:12 ب.ظ


Why do people decide to be alone for long periods of time?

24/03/1401 07:17:19 ب.ظ

BBC 6 minute English
BBC 6 minute English

BBC 6 minute English-When males are not needed

24/03/1401 05:01:36 ب.ظ