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TOEFL Writing
TOEFL Writing

TOEFL Independent Writing

30/08/1401 05:44:10 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Independent Essay – Building a Factory in My Town
Sample TOEFL Independent Essay – Building a Factory in My Town

Imagine that your city government has given permission for a major company to build a large factory near your neighborhood. Do you think this is a good idea? Why or why not? Explain your position using specific reasons and examples.

30/08/1401 01:31:27 ب.ظ

The Question
The Question

The Question Consider a situation where you are asked by your supervisor to work with one of your co-workers on a project. This co-worker has opinions that are very different from yours and they feel very strongly about these opinions. Do you think it is a good idea to work with them? Use reasons and examples to support your answer.

30/08/1401 05:43:56 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Preference Essay – Making Decisions Alone
Sample TOEFL Preference Essay – Making Decisions Alone

Nowadays, the world is developing at a very rapid pace and we are constantly forced to make a lot of choices that can affect the rest of our lives. Do you agree or disagree with the idea that we should always ask someone else for help when we need to make an important decision? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

30/08/1401 05:42:13 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Preference Essay – Best People to Learn From
Sample TOEFL Preference Essay – Best People to Learn From

It is important to improve our skills and knowledge as much as possible. Some people prefer to learn from individuals who have more experience than they do – like teachers and supervisors – instead of learning from peers, like their colleagues and classmates. Do you think this is a good idea? Why or why not?

30/08/1401 05:40:24 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL “Good Idea” Essay – Should Students Attend Classes
Sample TOEFL “Good Idea” Essay – Should Students Attend Classes

It is very important for students to learn as much as possible before their graduation from university. For this reason, many schools require students to attend all of their classes in person in order to achieve a passing grade. Do you agree or disagree with this kind of policy? Use specific reasons and examples to support your argument.

30/08/1401 01:12:38 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Preference Essay – Opening of a New Shopping Center
Sample TOEFL Preference Essay – Opening of a New Shopping Center

Many people welcome the opening of shopping areas near their homes. On the other hand, some people are strongly opposed to the construction of such facilities. If it is announced that a large shopping center will open in your neighborhood, will you support or oppose its construction? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

30/08/1401 05:42:46 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Preference Essay – Funding Libraries or Sports Teams
Sample TOEFL Preference Essay – Funding Libraries or Sports Teams

The administrators of a university are revising their budget and have decided to change their funding priorities. As a result, the university will now spend more money on sports and athletic facilities than they do on the campus libraries. Do you think this is a good idea? Why or why not?

30/08/1401 05:41:54 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Paired Choice Essay – Travel at Home or Abroad
Sample TOEFL Paired Choice Essay – Travel at Home or Abroad

Some people prefer to travel in their own country when they have some time off. Others think that it is better to take a trip to a foreign country. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons to support your choice.

30/08/1401 05:39:17 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Paired Choice Essay – Staff Training
Sample TOEFL Paired Choice Essay – Staff Training

The Question A large company wants to train its employees to use new techniques. Which is the best way to train the workers? Have all of them attend a training program together Have some of the employees attend the program and later show their coworkers what they learned

30/08/1401 02:05:32 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Paired Choice Essay – Study Alone or With a Teacher
Sample TOEFL Paired Choice Essay – Study Alone or With a Teacher

Some people think the best way to learn new things is to study them alone. Others think that it is always better to get help from a skilled teacher. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons to support your choice.

30/08/1401 02:05:50 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Paired Choice Essay – Eat at a Restaurant or at Home?
Sample TOEFL Paired Choice Essay – Eat at a Restaurant or at Home?

Some people prefer to eat meals at restaurants, while others like to prepare and eat food in their own home. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

30/08/1401 02:04:58 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Paired Choice Essay
Sample TOEFL Paired Choice Essay

Some students prefer to study and do homework alone. Others prefer to study and work on class assignments with a group of fellow students. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

30/08/1401 02:04:41 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Paired Choice Essay
Sample TOEFL Paired Choice Essay

Some people prefer to live in a small town. Others prefer to live in a big city. Which place would you prefer to live in? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

30/08/1401 02:04:22 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Essay – Spending Money
Sample TOEFL Essay – Spending Money

Some people like to spend their money as soon as they earn it, while others think it is better to save their money for some time in the future. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.

30/08/1401 01:22:30 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Paired Choice Essay – The Arts or the Environment
Sample TOEFL Paired Choice Essay – The Arts or the Environment

Some people think that the government should use extra money to fund programs to improve the environment. Others think that it is better for the government to spend money to support artistic programs. Which option do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

30/08/1401 05:33:20 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Paired Choice Essay – How do you Like to Travel?
Sample TOEFL Paired Choice Essay – How do you Like to Travel?

Some people like to travel with a companion. Other people prefer to travel alone. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice. (Adapted from a question in the Official TOEFL Guide).

30/08/1401 02:05:16 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Paired Choice Essay – What Type of Classes do you Prefer?
Sample TOEFL Paired Choice Essay – What Type of Classes do you Prefer?

Some students prefer classes with frequent discussions between the professor and the students with almost no lectures. Other students prefer classes with many lectures and almost no discussions. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

30/08/1401 05:40:07 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Essay – Improve the Environment
Sample TOEFL Essay – Improve the Environment

What do you think is the best way for the government of your country to improve the environment? Increase public transportation Reduce the construction of new factories Build more parks

30/08/1401 01:21:03 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Multiple Choice Essay – Unethical Company
Sample TOEFL Multiple Choice Essay – Unethical Company

When employees feel that the management of their company is doing something wrong, what do you think is the best way for them to respond? Talking to the media Speaking to the management directly Discussing the problem with each other

30/08/1401 02:02:25 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Essay – What Value to Teach Children
Sample TOEFL Essay – What Value to Teach Children

If parents want their children to succeed in the future, which of the following things should they teach them? How to be honest How to be helpful How to be patient

30/08/1401 01:22:50 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Multiple Choice Essay – Characteristics of a Good Coworker
Sample TOEFL Multiple Choice Essay – Characteristics of a Good Coworker

During our careers, we work with many different kinds of people. All of them have unique characteristics and personality traits. In your opinion, which of the following is the most important characteristic of a coworker?

30/08/1401 01:42:02 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Multiple Choice Essay – Qualities of a Good Boss
Sample TOEFL Multiple Choice Essay – Qualities of a Good Boss

The QuestionThe people we work with have many different characteristics and all of them affect the quality of our time at work. Of the following, what do you think is the most important quality for a boss or supervisor to have?

30/08/1401 01:42:33 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Multiple Choice Essay – How to Stay Healthy
Sample TOEFL Multiple Choice Essay – How to Stay Healthy

Everyone wants to be as healthy as possible. Fortunately, in modern society there are many things that people can do to improve their physical condition. What do you think is the best way to stay healthy? Getting exercise on a regular basis Eating healthy food every day Visiting a doctor for regular examinations

30/08/1401 01:42:20 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Multiple Choice Essay – Reasons for Working
Sample TOEFL Multiple Choice Essay – Reasons for Working

People in society work in many different settings, and for a variety of reasons. What do you think is the main reason why people have jobs? to feel happier about their lives to save money for the future to develop new skills Use specific examples and details to support your answer.

30/08/1401 02:01:56 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Multiple Choice Essay (Independent) – Visiting a New Place
Sample TOEFL Multiple Choice Essay (Independent) – Visiting a New Place

These days, people enjoy a lot of time away from their work and school obligations. Many people use this time to visit new places and learn about them. What do you think is the best way to learn about a place you are visiting for the first time?

30/08/1401 02:02:42 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Multiple Choice Essay – Change my Hometown
Sample TOEFL Multiple Choice Essay – Change my Hometown

Imagine you could improve the town where you live by changing one important thing about it. Which of the following would you choose to do? Build additional parks Construct more libraries Improve public transportation Use specific details and examples in your answer. Do not use memorized examples.

30/08/1401 01:41:36 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Essay – Multiple Choice Style
Sample TOEFL Essay – Multiple Choice Style

People have a lot of opinions about the value of advanced education. Which do you think is the most important reason to attend college or university? new experiences career preparation increased knowledge Use specific details and examples in your answer.

30/08/1401 01:21:58 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Multiple Choice Essay – Reasons Why People Are Living Longer
Sample TOEFL Multiple Choice Essay – Reasons Why People Are Living Longer

In general, people are living longer now. Which of the following do you think accounts for this phenomenon? Technological improvements Changes to education systems Improvements to our diets Use specific details and examples in your answer. You may choose more than one cause.

30/08/1401 02:02:12 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Independent Essay – Approach to Problem Solving
Sample TOEFL Independent Essay – Approach to Problem Solving

When you face a difficult problem in life, what do you feel is the best way to solve it? asking someone with more experience for advice about the problem finding information about the problem using the Internet taking a long time to think about the problem Use specific details and examples in your answer. Do not use memorized examples.

30/08/1401 01:30:53 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Multiple Choice Essay – Best Type of Neighbor
Sample TOEFL Multiple Choice Essay – Best Type of Neighbor

Neighbors are the people who live near us. In your opinion, what type of neighbor is the best to have? -someone who is quiet -someone who we are similar to -someone who is supportive Use specific details and examples in your answer.

30/08/1401 01:33:25 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Essay – Working Hard for Goals
Sample TOEFL Essay – Working Hard for Goals

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “People should keep trying to reach their goals, even if they seem impossible to achieve.” Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.

30/08/1401 01:23:06 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Agree/Disagree Essay – Solving Major Problems
Sample TOEFL Agree/Disagree Essay – Solving Major Problems

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Most of the biggest problems in the world will be solved in the next few decades. Use details and examples to support your answer.

30/08/1401 01:15:11 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Agree/Disagree Essay – Respecting Teachers
Sample TOEFL Agree/Disagree Essay – Respecting Teachers

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students do not respect their teachers as much as they did in the past. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Note: This essay uses our new TOEFL essay templates.

30/08/1401 01:14:59 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Independent Essay – Books or Experience?
Sample TOEFL Independent Essay – Books or Experience?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The knowledge we gain from our personal experiences is more valuable than the knowledge we gain from books. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Do not use memorized examples.

30/08/1401 01:29:28 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Independent Essay – Parents are the Best Teachers
Sample TOEFL Independent Essay – Parents are the Best Teachers

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. (the question used here came from the Official Guide to the TOEFL)

30/08/1401 01:32:34 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Essay – Should We Always Tell the Truth?
Sample TOEFL Essay – Should We Always Tell the Truth?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Sometimes it is better to be dishonest with people than to always tell them the truth. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

30/08/1401 01:22:16 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Independent Essay – Life Was Easier in my Grandparent’s Generation
Sample TOEFL Independent Essay – Life Was Easier in my Grandparent’s Generation

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? My lifestyle is easier and more comfortable than the one my grandparents experienced when they were young. Use specific details and examples to support your answer.

30/08/1401 01:31:51 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Essay – Do People Spend Too Much Time on Personal Enjoyment?
Sample TOEFL Essay – Do People Spend Too Much Time on Personal Enjoyment?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People today spend too much time on personal enjoyment, and not enough time on more serious duties and obligations. Use details and examples to support your answer. This is a revised version of a question found in Volume 1 of the Official iBT Tests book.

30/08/1401 01:19:46 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Agree/Disagree Essay – In the Future will there be Fewer Cars
Sample TOEFL Agree/Disagree Essay – In the Future will there be Fewer Cars

“In twenty years there will be fewer cars in use than there are today.” Do you agree or disagree?

30/08/1401 01:14:39 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Agree/Disagree Essay (Humans and the Earth)
Sample TOEFL Agree/Disagree Essay (Humans and the Earth)

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Human activity is making the earth a worse place to live. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

30/08/1401 01:15:22 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Essay – Growing up in the City or the Countryside
Sample TOEFL Essay – Growing up in the City or the Countryside

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays, it is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a large city. Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay. (Adapted from the Official Guide to the TOEFL).

30/08/1401 01:20:44 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Essay – Luck or Hard Work?
Sample TOEFL Essay – Luck or Hard Work?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “When people succeed, it is entirely because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with their success.” Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.

30/08/1401 01:21:43 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Writing – Agree or Disagree Style
Sample TOEFL Writing – Agree or Disagree Style

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People communicate with each other less than in the past because of the popularity of television. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

30/08/1401 05:43:32 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Essay – Do Television and Movies Influence Our Behavior?
Sample TOEFL Essay – Do Television and Movies Influence Our Behavior?

The Question Movies and television strongly influence the way people behave. Do you agree or disagree? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.

30/08/1401 01:20:16 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Agree/Disagree Essay – Better Life than Our Parents
Sample TOEFL Agree/Disagree Essay – Better Life than Our Parents

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In my country, young people have better lives than their parents had when they were young. Use reasons and examples to support your answer. Note: This essay uses our TOEFL essay templates.

30/08/1401 01:13:59 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Agree/Disagree Essay – Better Life than Our Parents
Sample TOEFL Agree/Disagree Essay – Better Life than Our Parents

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In my country, young people have better lives than their parents had when they were young. Use reasons and examples to support your answer. Note: This essay uses our TOEFL essay templates.

30/08/1401 01:13:37 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Agree/Disagree Essay – Do Grades Encourage Students to Work Hard?
Sample TOEFL Agree/Disagree Essay – Do Grades Encourage Students to Work Hard?

Students who are given grades work harder than those who do not. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

30/08/1401 01:14:20 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Agree/Disagree Essay
Sample TOEFL Agree/Disagree Essay

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? When doing research, it is better to use printed materials such as books and articles than it is to use the Internet. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

30/08/1401 01:13:12 ب.ظ

Sample TOEFL Agree/Disagree Essay
Sample TOEFL Agree/Disagree Essay

Widespread Use of the Internet

30/08/1401 01:13:01 ب.ظ