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IELTS Reading Multiple Choice Example 3

IELTS Reading Multiple Choice Example 3

Sample Reading Passage:

As, over the last four hundred years, tea-leaves became available throughout much of Asia and Europe, the ways in which tea was drunk changed. The Chinese considered the quality of the leaves and the ways in which they were cured are essential. People in other cultures added new ingredients besides tea-leaves and hot water. They drank tea with milk, sugar, spices like cinnamon and cardamom, and herbs such as mint or sage. The variations are endless. For example, in Western Sudan, on the edge of the Sahara Desert, sesame oil is added to milky tea on cold mornings. In England, tea, unlike coffee, acquired a reputation as a therapeutic drink that promoted health. Indeed, in European and Arab countries as well as in Persia and Russia, tea was praised for its restorative and health-giving properties. One Dutch physician, Cornelius Blankaart, advised that to maintain health, a minimum of eight to ten cups a day should be drunk and that up to 50 to 100 daily cups could be consumed safely.


Choose letters A-D from questions 1-5. 

1.According to the passage, in which countries did the tea leaves become available over the last 400 years? 

  1. Russia & USA 
  2. England & France 
  3. Asia & Europe 
  4. Persia & Russia 

2. What were the other ingredients added while making the tea? 

  1. Sugar & Milk
  2. Herbs (Mint & Sage) 
  3. Spices (Cinnamon & Cardamom) 
  4. All of the above 

3. In which place was sesame oil added to milky tea? 

  1. On the edge of the Sahara Desert, Western Sudan
  2. Japanese and Middle Eastern countries 
  3. Southern Arab countries 
  4. None of the above

4. Which countries have praised tea for its restorative and health-giving properties? 

  1. Arab & Europe
  2. Persia & Russia 
  3. Both A & B 
  4. England & France 

5.Which physician advised to consume eight to ten cups of tea a day? 

  1. Al-zahrawi
  2. Ibn Sina
  3. Sushruta
  4. Cornelius Blankaart 


  1. Asia & Europe
  2. All of the above
  3. On the edge of Sahara Desert, Western Sudan
  4. Both A & B 
  5. Cornelius Blankaart

Explanation for the Answers :

For the first question, the answer is in the first line: tea leaves have become popular throughout Asia and Europe over the last four hundred years. So, the answer is “C. Asia & Europe.” 

For the second question, the answer is in the fifth line: people have been drinking tea with various new ingredients, including milk, sugar, spices like cinnamon and cardamom, and herbs such as mint or sage. So, the answer is “D. All of the above.” 

For the third question, the answer is in the sixth line, which says that in Western Sudan, on the edge of the Sahara Desert, sesame oil is added to milky tea on Winter mornings. So, the answer is “A. On the edge of Sahara Desert, Western Sudan.” 

For the fourth question, the answer is in the eighth & ninth lines, which says that Tea acquired a position as a therapeutic drink in England, and European & Arab countries and Persia and Russian have praised tea for its restorative and health-giving properties. So, the answer is “C. Both A & B.” 

For the fifth question, the answer is in the tenth line: Dutch physician Cornelius Blankaart advised drinking a minimum of eight to ten cups of tea a day to maintain good health. So, the answer is “D. Cornelius Blankaart.” 

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