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IELTS Writing 2 Topic: Food

IELTS Writing 2 Topic: Food

Today’s fresh food like vegetables or fruits travels thousands of miles from the rural areas or farms before it reaches customers in cities or urban areas. Why is this? Is this a positive or negative trend?

Sample Answer

We all need food to survive. It is thought that with the domination of cutting-edge technology, such as airplane, food is accessible to everywhere while others see it as a danger, rather than a boon. I totally support the mobile trend in food distribution.

First of all, opponents of this tendency argue that the spread of food to far-away places is cost-ineffective. Such fees related to gasoline, transportation delivery, staff management and other types of insurance are way beyond the pocket of suppliers. However, economically, it bestows upon both producers and consumers more noticeable benefits. Due to scarcity of food in some areas, as a result of frozen or extremely scorching weather, crop failures are predictable, leading to a skyrocketing price. Hence, with the in-time delivery from other zones which are available in this type of needed food, the prices can be curbed and their taste is fully satisfied while businessmen who truly prioritize the demand of customers over others gain a huge amount of profit. Besides, as living standards of human escalates non-stop, their need for varied food, from eastern to western, is more urgent than ever, especially in times of globalization. As there goes a saying “variety is the spice of life”, food transported from thousands of miles away from its farm is inevitable.

The second disadvantage of this trend is believed to trigger the inability to control the quality of food and growing dependence of each nation. The past has shown that Roman, as a consequence of relying on food chain supply of other nations, ever saw its power going into steep decline whereas the task of far-distance distribution can hardly ensure the thorough examination between suppliers and buyers, and trigger unwanted virus damaging the food. Nevertheless, gone are the days that food was easily ruined by external factors when refrigerators and other types of modern innovations are employed to keep food fresh and pasteurize it effectively. Another point is that Roman might have seen a quick economic recovery if successfully developing other industries to compensate for their lack of food supply. Geographically, each nation is born to be in a location which could be either suitable or hostile to food production, but by focusing on their inherent strengths and exchanging their products, food supply and other types of products are readily accessible to both, and at the same time, this is conducive to heightening the specialization in their production and maximizing their output in general. Moreover, with this trend growing ever-prevalent, procedures of supervising food set up by food experts are internationalized. Entering the market of Wal-mart in America, customers are able to choose the lowest price dishes, while still feeling satisfied with their quality by dint of clear markings of out-of-date and usage attached to each item. Equally important, this tendency is a contributor to pressuring local food companies to continuously enhance their quality; otherwise, customers will turn to other markets for better ones with less cost.

All things considered, I strongly hold onto the view that more gains than pains are realized in this scenario for its cost-effective, motivational, win-win benefits for customers, producers and governments.


Domination (noun) control or power over other people or things

Cutting-edge (adj) extremely modern and advanced

Boon (noun) something useful that brings great benefits or makes your life easier

Bestow something on someone (verb) to give valuable property or an important right or honour to someone

Scorching (adj) extremely hot

Skyrocket (verb) rising quickly to a very high level

Variety is the spice of life (Cliché) You should try many different kinds of experiences, because trying different things keeps life interesting.

4 نظر

سینا حقیقی نایینی1400/12/15

In the modern many rural areas import fruits and vegetables from rural areas. This essay agrees that the mobile trend in food distribution can be a boon for both rural and suburban districts on the ground I shall delve into it in this essay To begin with, thanks to ultra-modernist ways of transportation, which are equipped with efficient refrigerators, in which foods and vegetables are preserved from decay, transferring perishable material have become practicable. On the other hand, there are many places around the world, where discharging of industrial affluent or degradation of soil in result of agricultural practices have impaired the quality of soil. A part from human middles, some places around the world are inherently are deprived of nutrient- laden soil for agricultural purpose, therefore it makes sense cited regions rely on other places to fulfil their needs. This flourishing trade made among regions can be an asset for both importing and exporting countries. For instance, a country such as Iran with enormous supplies of petroleum, face predicaments for accommodating individual's need in term of food due to the lack of sufficient water supplies to cultivate curial items, so this country could import food in exchange of petroleum; accordingly, there would be a huge volume of give and take among countries, which is inferred as a direct impact of globalization. It could help people living within a poverty-stricken area as well as people who live in a rural area can earn a living by cultivating In conclusion, the lack of sufficient water and efficient soil accompanied by cutting-edge technology compel some regions to become dependent on other places to import their needed staff.

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hedie zare1400/12/20

A Technological advances has faded the geographical barriers, and the transportation has been easier. Nowadays we are witnessing a huge amount of food exporting from rural areas to big cities. Even though, this may have some demerits, I firmly believe that the advantages of spread of food to far-away places, far outweigh its drawbacks, according to the higher quality of soil in rural areas and the variety of tastes among people. To begin with, although there is no disputing the fact that transportation of fruits and vegetables can be so costly, there is a piece of authentic evidence that due to the gasses emitted by the factories in the metropolitans, the soil in these areas is not appropriate for cultivating. For instance, a new survey conducted by a food scientist, revealed that a grown apple from a village in the countryside has a higher nutritional benefits compared to a grown apple in a big contaminated city. Hence, regarding to the health issus it is preferable to import the fresh edibles from rural areas. The second reason is worth pointing out is that due to the globalization we are facing, the cultural status of eating has steadily evolved from that of monotonous patterns to that of a wide range of the variety throughout the world. On the other hand, regarding to the different climates, it is not possible to plant all kind of fruits in the different areas. Some fruits cannot grow in frozen or extremely scorching weather. Therefore, we have no choice but to transport the fruits and vegetables throughout the world. In conclusion, although every subject has some pros and cons, here the cons can be ignored easily, especially when such an acceptance makes the life easier. .

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hedie zare1400/12/20

Day 17 A Technological advances has faded the geographical barriers, and the transportation has been easier. Nowadays we are witnessing a huge amount of food exporting from rural areas to big cities. Even though, this may have some demerits, I firmly believe that the advantages of spread of food to far-away places, far outweigh its drawbacks, according to the higher quality of soil in rural areas and the variety of tastes among people. To begin with, although there is no disputing the fact that transportation of fruits and vegetables can be so costly, there is a piece of authentic evidence that due to the gasses emitted by the factories in the metropolitans, the soil in these areas is not appropriate for cultivating. For instance, a new survey conducted by a food scientist, revealed that a grown apple from a village in the countryside has a higher nutritional benefits compared to a grown apple in a big contaminated city. Hence, regarding to the health issus it is preferable to import the fresh edibles from rural areas. The second reason is worth pointing out is that due to the globalization we are facing, the cultural status of eating has steadily evolved from that of monotonous patterns to that of a wide range of the variety throughout the world. On the other hand, regarding to the different climates, it is not possible to plant all kind of fruits in the different areas. Some fruits cannot grow in frozen or extremely scorching weather. Therefore, we have no choice but to transport the fruits and vegetables throughout the world. In conclusion, although every subject has some pros and cons, here the cons can be ignored easily, especially when such an acceptance makes the life easier. .

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Maryam Mostofi1401/04/02

Technological advances have faded the geographic barriers. Food is accessible to everywhere and we are witnessing a huge amount of food exporting from rural area to big cities. In my opinion, through more travel and export, people can see any products anywhere which can only be seen as beneficial for people’s future. To begin with, the main reason is that environmental conditions are a determining factor when send overseas is concerned. To put it another way, regardless of costly transportation, due to the metropolitan, we don’t have an appropriate soil for cultivating. Take new surveys conducted by food scientists for example that they revealed a grown vegetable is higher nutrients than a huge city. Having said that, however, pollution is not the only causative factor in this respect. Another compelling argument is climate. That is to say, it is not possible to plant all kind of foods and vegetables through the world. A good illustration of this is like a banana which are growing in the Western of the world. Although, it can be seen in the Eastern of the world. Therefore, we have no choice to transfer all the edibles around the world to access easily. In conclusion, everything has pros and cons, whereas, we can ignore the negative side easily here specifically when it comes to make the life easier

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