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IELTS General Writing Task 1 Practice Test 3

IELTS General Writing Task 1 Practice Test 3

A foreign friend of yours plans to visit your place and stay with you, but you do not have time on that date. Give your friend another alternate date to come.

In your letter, you should:

  • apologise for it
  • explain how you will be busy on that date
  • suggest to him/her an alternate time to come.

Sample Answer

Dear Ashley,

I hope this letter finds you in the pink of your health. I know you’ve made great preparations to come to India and spend time with me. In fact, I’d promised to collect you from the airport. But I’m really sorry, I won’t be available the whole month of July. 

Day before yesterday, my boss handed over an important project that has to be completed within July. He counts on me. I’m supposed to lead a team of 20 members and I’ve hell a lot of work to be completed in July.  Sorry again, for disappointing you. But I’m free once the project is over. I would be more than glad to welcome you anytime in August and we can have a great time together. Please do let me know if you can plan your trip in August.

Awaiting your reply eagerly. Looking forward to seeing you in August.

See you soon


2 نظر

نسترن صادقی1401/02/20

Dear Arezoo, I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am very excited to meet you after a long time and I believe you plan on visiting me on 23rd Tir. Unfortunately, I'm writing to inform you that due to some unforessen circumstances, I will not be available at my house on the first planned date of your arrival. I understand that this is not the news you would like to hear, especially at the last moment and I want you to know that I sincerely opologize for this plan. The reason for my absence is because I promised my husband's mother, who is currently battling blood cancer almost for 4 months that I will spend a consecutive week with her. In fact, this was three weeks before I know that you plan on visiting me. I was hoping if you could visit me a day after than the original date, as I have taken an entire month off from work in order to better enjoy our time together. I will be happy to compensate for any financial loss from you. I look forward to hearing from you and please to contact me on my phone number in case you have questions or concerns. Yours lovingly, Nastaran

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نسترن صادقی1401/02/26

Dear Maryam, I hope this letter finds you in the pink of health. I am very excited to meet you, however, with a heavy heart I would like to apologize as I will not be in Isfahan city next month. As you mentioned that you will be visiting on the 7th of khordad, which is the day when I have a hard exam, due to which I will go to Tehran for IELTS exam. It is an important exam for me as I have been preparing for it for a year now. Thus, it would be impossible for me to change it. I rrquest you to plan your visit anytime after the 7th of khordad as I will be completely free after my exam. You can plan your visit for many days you want. We will definitely be having a marvelous and fun time. I once again would like to apologize for this position. I hope you can understand the situation. Looking forward to your response. Your lovingly, Nastaran

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