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تمایل دارید صفحه اینستاگرام کبیر را مشاهده نمایید؟

محتوای الکترونیکی

صفحه اصلی محتوای الکترونیکی

Active and passive voice

Active and passive voice

Level: beginner

Transitive verbs have both active and passive forms:

active passive
The hunter killed the lion.>The lion was killed by the hunter.
Someone has cleaned the windows.>The windows have been cleaned.

Passive forms are made up of the verb be with a past participle:

 bepast participle 
Englishisspokenall over the world.
The windowshave beencleaned. 
Lunchwas beingserved. 
The workwill befinishedsoon.
Theymight have beeninvitedto the party.

If we want to show the person or thing doing the action, we use by:

She was attacked by a dangerous dog.The money was stolen by her husband.


Active and passive voice 1



"Put your question in the box"


خودآزمایی ها

به منظور تمرین بیشتر، شما می توانید در هر آزمون خودآزمایی بیش از یک بار شرکت نمایید. اما در نهایت، تنها نتایج اولین بار شرکت در هر آزمون در قسمت بهترین ها اعمال خواهد شد. برای شرکت در خودآزمایی ها  ورود  نمایید.
 Grammar tests
Grammar tests 1
Grammar tests 2
Grammar tests 3

6 نظر

شکوه شیخی پور1401/03/18

the bridge had been built when I was child . the store was expanded by the rich women .

0 0
Kiana Meshkat1401/03/18

when I arrived there, I found that everywhere had been cleaned. the new rule is approved today.

0 0
ندا رضوی1401/03/18

This structure was made by France. The bank's safe was stolen by thieves. Schools have been opened. The shops will be closed soon.

0 0
علی کاظمی1401/03/22

Active: The pioneers of automobile manufacture towards the end of the 19th century were Gottlieb Daimler (1834-1900) and Carl Benz (1844-1929). Passive: The automobile manufacture was developed by its pioneers in the late nineteenth century.

0 0
رویا خاتون1401/05/25

active form: My friend is establishing a pharmaceutical company with the purpose of serving the society. passive form: a pharmaceutical company is being established by my friend with the purpose of serving the society.

0 0
یاسمن زهرا سنایی1401/05/27

Active : The recent flood has destroyed all the bridges and access roads to the village. Passive : All the bridges and access roads to the village have been destroyed by the flood.

0 0

لطفا وارد شوید و نظر خود را ثبت نمایید.

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