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IELTS Reading Matching Sentence Endings Example 4

IELTS Reading Matching Sentence Endings Example 4

America’s oldest art?

A. Set within treacherously steep cliffs, and hidden away valleys of northeast Brazil, is some of Southeast America’s most significant and spectacular rock-art. Most of the art so far discovered from the ongoing excavations comes from the archaeologically – important National Park of the Serra da Capivara in the state of Piaui, and it is causing quite a controversy. The reason for the uproar? The art is being dated to around 25.CC0 or perhaps. According to some archaeologists, even 36,000 years ago. If correct, this is set to challenge the wide-field view that America was first colonized from the north, via the Bering Straits from eastern Siberia at around 10.000 BC. only moving down into Central and South America in the millennia thereafter. Of course, dating the art is extremely difficult since the non-existence of plant and animal remains that might be scientifically dated. However, there are a small number of sites in the Serra da Capivara that are giving up their secrets through good systematic excavation. Thus, at Toca do Rock.omo da Pedra Furada. rock-art researcher Nide Guidon managed to obtain a number of dates. At different levels of excavation, she located fallen painted rock fragments, which she was able to dale to at least 36,000 years ago. Along with toe painted fragments, crude stone tools were found. Also discovered were a series of scientifically datable sites of fireplaces, or hearths, the earliest dated to 46,000 BC. arguably the oldest dates for human habitation in America. However, these conclusions are not without controversy. Critics, mainly from North America, have suggested that the hearths may, in fact, be a natural phenomenon, the result of seasonal brushwood fires. With fierce debates thus raging over to dating, where these artists originate from is also still very much open to speculation. 

B. The traditional view ignores the early dating evidence from the South American rock-art sites. In a revised scenario, some anthropologists are now suggesting that modern humans may’ have migrated from Africa using the strong currents of the Atlantic Ocean some 63.000 years or more ago, while others suggest more improbable colonization coming from the Pacific Ocean. Yet, while the ether hypothesis is plausible, there is still no supporting archaeological evidence between the South American coastline and the interior. Rather, it seems possible that there were a number of waves of human colonization of the Americas occurring possibly over a 60,000-100,000 year period, probably using the Bering Straits as a land bridge to cross into the Americas. Despite the compelling evidence from South America, it stands alone: the earliest secure human evidence yet found in the state of Oregon in North America only dates to 12,300 years BC. So this is a fierce debate that is likely to go on for many more years. However, the splendid rock art and its allied anthropology of northeast Brazil, described here, is playing a huge and significant role in the discussion.

Questions 1-4

Complete each sentence with the correct ending. A-F below.

Write the correct letter A-F in blank spaces 1-4 on your answer sheet.

  1. Materials derived from plants or animals ………………
  2. The discussions about the ancient hearths ………………
  3. Theories about where the first South Americans originated from ……………….
  4. The finds of archaeologists in Oregon …………………….
  1. giving rise to a great deal of debate among anthropologists.
  2. does not support the earliest dates suggested for the arrival of people in America.
  3. are absent from rock-art sites In the Serra da Capivara.
  4. have not been accepted by academics outside America.
  5. center on whether or not they are actually man-made.
  6. reflect the advances in scientific dating methods.


  1. are absent from rock-art sites In the Serra da Capivara.
  2. center on whether or not they are actually man-made.
  3. giving rise to a great deal of debate among anthropologists.
  4. does not support the earliest dates suggested for the arrival of people in America.


For the first question, the answer is in the first para, 9th line; “Of course, dating the art is extremely difficult since the non-existence of plant and animal remains that might be scientifically dated. However, there are a small number of sites in the Serra da Capivara that are giving up their secrets through good systematic excavation.”

The second answer can be located in the first para, 17th line; “However, these conclusions are not without controversy. Critics, mainly from North America, have suggested that the hearths may, in fact, be a natural phenomenon, the result of seasonal brushwood fires.”

The third answer is in the second para, 1st line; “The traditional view ignores the early dating evidence from the South American rock-art sites. In a revised scenario, some anthropologists are now suggesting that modern humans may’ have migrated from Africa using the strong currents of the Atlantic Ocean some 63.000 years or more ago, while others suggest more improbable colonization coming from the Pacific Ocean.”

For the fourth question, the answer is in the second para, 9th line; “Despite the compelling evidence from South America, it stands alone: the earliest secure human evidence yet found in the state of Oregon in North America only dates to 12,300 years BC. So this is a fierce debate that is likely to go on for many more years.”

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