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محتوای الکترونیکی

صفحه اصلی محتوای الکترونیکی

Whoever controls the media also controls opinions and attitudes

Whoever controls the media also controls opinions and attitudes

Whoever controls the media also controls opinions and attitudes of the people and there is little can be done to rectify this.

To what extend do you agree or disagree?

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 01 :

In some countries the media is controlled exclusively by large companies; in other it is the government that has this control. Often, in war situation, one of the first casualties is the media, which is seized by one group or another. This gives some support to the idea that the media is a source of power and control.

Whoever controls the media also has ultimate control over what is published or broadcasted and what is omitted. They can also add a certain prejudice or bias to their coverage of certain news stories depending on their own feelings about the matter. This is not a new problem, although the issue is perhaps more pressing now that the Internet and play-TV have enabled these messages to be disseminated even further.

However, we should remember that readers have their own ideas and opinions. You can control what is printed but you cannot control the opinions of your readers. I think the only positive here is that, nowadays, people seem to be much more cynical about what they read in the press or hear on the television. In particular, when it comes to the tabloid press, people know that they have to take what they read with a grain of salt. In other words, they read knowing they may be being lied to. Perhaps it is even greater concern that we have become so accepting of this form of censorship.

The only thing that can be done to alter this situation is for the government to regulate the industry so that there is no longer a monopoly on media ownership. This also means that they have to allow and support a totally free press, even if this means the government may be criticised or ridiculed within its pages.

(295 words)

Model Answer 02 :

There are numerous companies and organization who takes control our global media system. Therefore, they are inevitably capable of influencing people thoughts and attitudes. Furthermore, the media makes up the significant part of our lives; hence, there are not many solutions to solve this problem. We are able to access the internet whenever and wherever we like on our smart phones, laptops and computers.

Large number of people use media for searching information, updating news, communicating, or even entertaining. Hence, they will definitely absorb what they are presented through the media and , consequently, the media will influence the users into believing in the them. For instances, if people watch the commercials about any product frequently, they will eventually be induced to buy that product. This how most of the media work; they are persuasive and convincible. Consequently, people’s minds absolutely are effected by receiving these things repeatedly.

Teenagers, who tends to be gullible , are usually the main target of the media. Moreover, most of them love and admire celebrities and singers around their age and takes them as there role model. Of course, the companies wants to sell their records and movie and therefore, use commercials to influence the young ones.

In addition, television-programming companies are having a right to present anything that they want to. As a results, movies on our television are sometimes abusive and cruel, which are not suitable for young children. Small kids don’t have enough justification to judge from what is right or what is wrong in the media. Consequently, they might emulate these behaviors, making them become more aggressive towards their families and friends.

In conclusion, people who have the dominate the media are also able to control people attitudes and opinions. Thfore, people should be more considerate toward the information presented to us through the media.

(305 words)

Model Answer 03 :

It is undeniable fact that media influences our lifestyle and our opinions. There is a common belief that media conglomerates who control worldwide mass media sources also control our minds, decisions and there is a little chance to make any changes. It is agreed that it is very hard to diminish our reliance from media resources and their negative effect on us as every society needs some sources of information in order to acquire information they need. Moreover most of media sources of the world are under government control which are mainly been used to control its citizens.

Every memeber of society needs to get an information. Without information it would not be possible to involve in social, cultural and economic activities. For example, in order to trade successfully companies should be aware of situation in the global market, or people should be provided with a social, cultural and political information in order to know what is happening around. From this aspect it is clear that for people it is very hard and nearly impossible to ignore media sources as our society heavily depends on the information.

Most of media sources however controlled by persons or groups who use the media mainly to control the mass. Seemingly,this process appears to be well disguised as most people aren’t aware of the problem. For instance, some negative information about certain person spread by all media sources changes the attitude of society towards that person immediately, no matter aho that person is.

In conclusion, it is very hard to change people’s reliance from media sources as society depends on information and would seek an information in any circumstances.

(275 words)

Model Answer 04 :

Mainstream media are those media spreaded via the largest distribution channels, which therefore represent what the majority of media consumers are likely to encounter. Information distributed through mainstream media is the main for a lot of people and according to this information, peoples’ opinion and attitude to current affairs are based. Simultaneously, whoever controls the media also has ultimate control over what is published or broadcasted and what is omitted. As a result, there is such situation when person who own current mainstream media wants to form the opinion which he needs. On the other side, nowadays, there a lot of people who seem to be a more cynical about what they read in the press or hear on the television. Nevertheless, as there are not so many independent thinkers the solution of the opinion obtrusion problem must be found.

As mentioned above, for lots of people media is the main channel of the information. Under these circumstances, a person’s opinion about a particular event depends on how the information provides in the media. At the same time, media owner’s tries to impose their opinion to customers. They can also add a certain prejudice or bias to their coverage of certain news stories depending on their own feeling about the matter. For example, if it is an opposition television channel, they will try to restate the main goal of president visit to Russian Federation. Accordingly, a public gets distorted view of what’s happening.

There is an increase of the amount of people who know that have to take what they read with a grain of salt. In other words they read knowing they may be being lied to. Consequently, manage the opinion of these people is more complicated to. Withal, you can control what is printed but you cannot control the opinion of your readers.

In my opinion the first step which must be done to solve the problem is to bring up new generation with mentality which based on truth and justice. The next thing that can be done to alter this situation is for the government to regulate the media industry so that there is no longer a monopoly on media ownership. This also means that the government has to allow and support a totally free press.

(379 words)

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