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IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic 04: Children today play very violent games

IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic 04: Children today play very violent games

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Children today play very violent games. This must be the reason for the increase in violence and crime in most major cities of the world.

What are your opinions on this?

Give reason for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 01 :

Nowadays most children regularly play games on a computer or their television. These games have become more violent over the past few years. In fact, many parents worry about this and the effect these games are having on their children. Some are concerned that playing violent games might encourage them to come aggressive in real life. What we need to establish is whether or not this is actually true.

First, it may help to look back at the games that children used to play many years ago before the invention of computers. In those days children would probably have played popular board games such as Monopoly or Chess, or they may have played card games or some type of outdoor sport. These sports or games would probably only have encouraged children to become more competitive rather than violent.

However, throughout history children have always played fighting games with toy or pretend weapons. Even now many parents will buy a toy gun or sword for their child. Why do we never read reports in the media about the impact plastic weapons could have on children? Perhaps this is because the link between play fighting and actual fighting is not very strong.

In conclusion, the way children play games has changed with the times but the ideas behind those games have actually changed very little. Just as playing at soldiers did not increase violence in the past, I believe that playing computer games will not lead to an increase in violence in the future. I think that if we looked more closely at life in our major cities then we would find there are many other possible causes for the increase in crime and violence.

(284 words)

Model Answer 02 :

It is fact that, today’s children are involved in dangerous games which increase the rate of crime. This unconscious crime committed by little-aged children considerably increases in some contemporary cities.

It is not easy to keep an eye on your children, especially when you are busy with another issues at home. Children are interested almost in everything at home. However, they are not capable of distinguish toys or appropriate tools for playing and another things which can cause unwillingly bad accident at home. The most important fact about it is to watch violent videos on TV and fighting games on computers. As a result of watching such programmes every child could want to put it into practise. This can also be seen with clothes washing machine. When parents are not home, children generally use forbidden house equipment. To take similar occasion for example, that was in Turkey. Two boys wanted to play with washing machine when their parents had not been at home. One of them wanted to “wash” the other brother. While pressing the bottom to start it, unfortunately, the little brother was a sacrificed of this terrible accident because of parents’ carelessness. To avoid this, parents should take away every risky thing from their children and limit the watching TV or ban violent video games.

In conclusion, I absolutely agree that, some violent games cause children to take a risk in their lives. This unwanted crime committed by children can turn them a real criminal in the future. The way to play such violent games naturally, increase the crime in mean developed cities, which parents work and can not keep eyes on their children as much as they want in it. Instead of it we have to make all of our efforts on bringing them up in safe atmosphere and educate well. We must not forget that, they are our future. That’s why it must the first and considerable important thing to protect them from every occasion can cause frightening accident.

(333 words)

Model Answer 03 :

Crimes nowadays are more prevalent in all parts of the world. Clearly, the crime rates have increased over the years, as seen in the news and as shown in Statistics. Some believes that this is mainly due to the influence of violent games that the children played. In my opinion, violent games can have a big impact on a child’s views, opinions and attitudes which could influence their decision making thus, making them more prone to commit misconduct.
Online gaming is predominant these days. This is due to the availability and ease of access to computers. Violent games in this modern world are more dominant. Most children due to the influence of their peers are playing this type of games. As we can see, most people especially after school are being attracted to go online and compete with their friends on games like craft of war, game of thrones, counter strike, etc. These games are considered to be dangerous because they are showing a lot of violent stuff like killing, shooting by means of gun and rape.
The violent games can play a major role in a child’s overall being. Aggression and impatience can be a result of this kind of play which can be a major cause why people are becoming evil which leads them to commit crimes. An example we can site is the one that I recently saw on the news where a 10 year old boy becomes addicted to counter strike and when his mother scolded him and stop him from playing the said game, he killed his mother. This instance illustrates how violent gaming can have a huge effect on increasing a child tendency to do an offence.
In summary, we can say that violent these violent games have a detrimental effect on youth which can cause a rise in crime rates. Therefore, all parents should guide and monitor their springs. They should limit their child’s exposure on these kinds of stuffs. Laws can also be implemented so that strict rules can be provided to decrease the exposure to these aggressive plays.

(347 words)

Model Answer 04 :

Some people believe that games which children play with are the principal reason for high amount of crime and violence. In my opinion, although these games involved with much violence scenes could influence children behavior, it could not be the main reason of increasing crime and wildness in the world.

These days, children’s entertainment choices cover a various range including computer games, TV programs, surfing internet and more which may affect children’s behavior and actions. For example, some games have interesting characters doing violent action which would encourage young children to make the characters as a pattern for following.

However, I think this is much to say this is children’s games the cause of increasing crime in the world. A good example is that looking at the earlier years of mankind show that in that period of the time, children’s entertainment included real killing and fighting, in contrast, most children’s fights, nowadays, are limited to virtual games. As a result, it is not the games making the world violence and it could not be the children’s games causing the increase of the crime. Besides, there is not any evidence to prove that how games would affect children.

There are many other reasons resulting in the increase in wildness and crime especially in bigger cities such as the growing unemployment rate, poverty, the increasing number of drug users and so on.

All in all, in my idea, the increasing of wildness and crime is not related to children’s games and there are other root reasons which have to be investigated.

(259 words)

Model Answer 05 :

Violent behavior in children and the rise of crime is often attributed to more violent games. In particular, violent computer games are frequently blamed for such behavior. In general, games are a safe way for children to explore concepts, such as violence, and they should be allowed to do so. There are more grave influences that should be the focus of crime prevention.

Playing helps children to learn about boundaries in the real world. Violence is part of reality and children need a way to understand it. Some concepts, such as violence, can safely and in a socially acceptable way explored in games but not in reality. Even very young children can tell a games from reality and understand that different rules apply when playing.

Nevertheless, I believe games should be age-adequate and extremely violent games and movies should not be made available to children and teenagers. Some games, like ‘ego-shooters’ are all about killing an enemy. While playing them may serve as a relief of aggression less mental stable players may loose sight of reality spending too much time with them. In this case playing might for violence it might shift the boundaries for violence instead of teaching the players about what is acceptable.

Lastly, research shows that a child’s direct surroundings, in particular schools and families, influence its violent behavior strongly. If a child makes violent experiences, like being bullied or domestic violence in the family, it is more likely to turn violent itself. Obviously, such experiences make bad role models and teach children that violence is an acceptable way to deal with conflicts. Additionally, frustration about one’s personal situation and perspectives add to the chance of somebody turning violent.

For these reasons, I think violent but age-adequate games are not a reason for violence. Instead every effort must be made to shield children from violent experience in their real life. Children and teenager must make their own experiences and games allow them to do in a safe way.

(331 words)

Model Answer 06 :

Now a days almost all cities in the world are experiencing more violence and crimes than ever before. Based on the research, it has been shown that there are different reasons behind this. However violent games played in childhood are just one causative factor out of many. Therefore,I rather disagree with the fact highlighted for the increased crime rates in the world.

Increasing trend in crimes and violence is due to a number of reasons and further these may change depending on the part of the world. For instance children in the western world are exposed to alcohol and substances than the Asian countries. Unemployment and poverty are considered to be major causative factors leading to high crime rates. In addition, personality disorders also relate to the increased violence among teenagers. Therefore, these are considered top in the list as opposed to violent games played in childhood.

However, when children are exposed to such games in early in the life, they tend to be sensitized to violence and try to imitate their heroes in the games. The ways in which the crimes being portrayed in such games will allow the children to get to know the different methods to commit crimes. In this way they motivate themselves to engage in crimes. Nevertheless, its contribution is less significant in comparison to other factors.

In conclusion, every city has to concentrate on other aspects in preventing crimes instead of attributing to the games. They have to address overpopulation, unemployment and poverty in greater detail in preventing high crime rates and violence.

(259 words)



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