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IELTS Writing 2 Topic: Many old buildings protected by law are part of a nation’s history

IELTS Writing 2 Topic: Many old buildings protected by law are part of a nation’s history

IELTS Writing Task 2

Many old buildings protected by law are part of a nation’s history. Some people think they should be knocked down and replaced by new ones. Do you agree or disagree?


Old buildings :

  • The reservoir of glorious past of a nation
  • Derelicts and run-down houses : nightmares to people
  • Symbolic of the unique architecture: panacea for modern people

New buildings :

  • Accommodate more people for a better life
  • Attract more investors because of good infrastructure

Band 8.0 Sample

Ancient buildings are relics of the past and should be preserved, in the view of some people. Others, however, believe that the appearance of modern buildings will open a new horizon for the development of a nation. My essay will discuss the validity of both sides.

The ancient houses are, first, believed to the reservoir of the glorious past of a nation. With their existence along each road, it is undeniable that no sooner does young generation grow up than they become proud of their country’s admirable old-day history through the image of roof, ceiling and walls. Philosophically speaking, like a person who clings to the past to reflect, views the present to enjoy and contemplates the future, a city itself entails an inextricable link of these three-time axes to revise, thrive and fly. Nevertheless, in case of derelict old houses, such experience of living in these shelters could be a nightmare to quite a few people, for instance, Hanoi people who are suffering a low-quality life in an ancient street. It is a common-scene to some that three to four households have only one toilet system with their wall painting layers bound to peel off and their ceilings sagging owing to weathering.

Another rationale is that these old houses are symbolic of the unique architecture and serve as a mental panacea for hurry-sickness city-dwellers. Hardly can the modern-day people recreate such beauties as that by famous architects of yesterdays who utilized the past materials, and for that reason, some streets adorned with second-to-none buildings are ideal destinations for the visitors world-wide to savour themselves in the sense of serene old days. To those who are sucking in a life of craze, the tiny old houses resemble oases to ease their stress. Opponents have their points in the belief that as a result of the explosion of population, so crowded do streets turn out that these old, unsafe and dirty houses should be demolished to give way to skyscrapers to accommodate an ever-increasing number of people who flock to the city in the hope of a better life. Also, not until the cities are paved with modern buildings and wide roads do investors from other continents pay greater attention, which, in turn, generates a huge amount of profit for the entire nation.

In the final analysis, each idea has its own reasoning, but in my opinion, the presence of old houses is essential to the survival of any city for their originality and unforgettable destinations of travel lovers.

14 نظر

طاهره کریمی نیا1401/03/21

Unfortunately, some individuals believe are numerous ancient buildings that are preserved by the government should be collapsed so that the new ones will replace. I've always taken the protection of the historic buildings for granted, however now, I should mention that it's vital because of the following reasons: first, the monuments illustrate the authenticity of a country. And secondly, these types of structures are the main capital to absorb tourists. To explain further, the existence of ancient buildings even as ruins can cause be proud individuals. And additionally, nowadays, there are plenty of modern buildings and residences in the world and the number can increase constantly. On the other hand, the increase rate of the number of the monument is steady. Therefore, unless the monuments and ancient buildings exist in a country, the main infrastructure of the tourist industry won't arise. So in conclusion, having every old architecture in a country is a fantastic opportunity that's worth protecting.

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فاطمه کتابچی1401/03/24

I have got positive mindset about old building or historical building I'd like to protect historical building.Historical building can be advantageous for areas from different perspectives You know ,first of all, financially speaking ,many tourists find them appealing and try to visit these old building .this is a golden opportunity for the locals to make as much money as possible, In the second place, culturally speaking,the benefit of being in contact with tourists from all walks of life from all over the world.This is a golden opportunity because it allows people to raise their awareness.Despite the fact that preserving historical building can cost these government an arm and a leg and they don't usually have sufficient money to devote to such things and also the people living in these areas are not aware of the real price, it is vital to take care of historical building.

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رویا خاتون1401/05/22

First of all, Old manuments are reflection of a nation's culture and culture is an important factor for both personal and collective identity that is vital to distinguish a society from another one and therefore, preserving old buildings helps preserving past heritage and leads to identify culture and identity of a society. For instant, Iranian people refer their identity to cyrus the great. What shouldn’t scape unnoticed is that perspolis derelicts has been influential in this way of thinking and refering. That’s why I believe that old buildings shouldn’t be knok down. Secod of all, protection of old buildings is essential architecturally. Because they represent glorious past of a nation and could be the reservoir of inspiration for new constructions. That is, These new buildings that are combination of modernity and tradition create a sense of comfort and good vibes inside individuals. That’s why I persist on my belief that old buildings should be preserved. Last but not least is an economic reason. Old manuments in all countries are one of the most important source of tourists attraction. That is, they can make money for local people and lead to tourism that is counted one of the most sustainable way of earning money for both people and country and benefcial for government economy status. For example, numerous people all around the world come to egypt to visit egyptian pyramids. That’s why I totally disagree with replacing old manuments with new ones.

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رویا خاتون1401/05/22

While some people opine old buildings must be demolished, some others believe the reverse. On the other hand they think these buildings should be preserved. I completely agree with the latter and in the following essay I shall delve into my reasons: First of all, Old manuments are reflection of a nation's culture and culture is an important factor for both personal and collective identity that is vital to distinguish a society from another one and therefore, preserving old buildings helps preserving past heritage and leads to identify culture and identity of a society. For instant, Iranian people refer their identity to cyrus the great. What shouldn’t scape unnoticed is that perspolis derelicts has been influential in this way of thinking and refering. That’s why I believe that old buildings shouldn’t be knok down. Secod of all, protection of old buildings is essential architecturally. Because they represent glorious past of a nation and could be the reservoir of inspiration for new constructions. That is, These new buildings that are combination of modernity and tradition create a sense of comfort and good vibes inside individuals. That’s why I persist on my belief that old buildings should be preserved. Last but not least is an economic reason. Old manuments in all countries are one of the most important source of tourists attraction. That is, they can make money for local people and lead to tourism that is counted one of the most sustainable way of earning money for both people and country and benefcial for government economy status. For example, numerous people all around the world come to egypt to visit egyptian pyramids. That’s why I totally disagree with replacing old manuments with new ones. In conclusion, old buildings are available sources shouldn’t be demolished as they are reflection of our glorious past and our collective identity and also new structures can be inspired by them. In addition they can attract tourists and earn money for people.

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یاسمن زهرا سنایی1401/05/23

Many people and organizations believe that old buildings should be preserved, but others believe that we better demolish them.I admit that the first one is correct.in the following essay, I shall delve into my reasons. first of all, Ancient buildings are very important reservoir of the country's history.these buildings are very symbolic in terms of architecture and can be an example of the art of people who lived in the past, and contemporary architects can get ideas from them.civilization and culture can be found in these regarding people's lifestyles. Secondly, perservation of cultural heritage helps to attract tourists and improves the economic and living conditions of the people of the region. One of the ways to bring capital to the country is tourism and the ancient mounuments play a very important role in this. Old buildings, for example, include Salasel Castle, Sii o se pol, Falak Al-flak Castle and, etc... that's why we have to preserve the old buildings. In conclusion, It is important to preserve the old buildings to show symbols of the past people to future generations, and help the tourism industry and improve the economic conditions of the country.

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Maryam Hamidi1401/08/03

A lot of ancient buildings and monuments are protected by the government. Although some groups of people believe that the New World is progressive and by destroying the historical building we can make a step to pushing forward, In my view this structure have an essential role in our country. This essay will give information about importance of maintaining ancient structure, which I shall explain more. The first reason refers to the imperative of maintaining of ancient buildings as the protection of country`s cultural heritage. This building have preserved by many people over the past centuries. The country can show it's historical value to the universe and also make them sure that this country has the power and absolutely tact, since it has old tribes that are known from their monuments. Second reason is about tourist attraction. Many tourist Who's interest in history, travel to various part of the world over the year. This issue can play an important role in the economic cycle of country. Indeed you can create the new job opportunities for young people. On the other hand may some tourist decide to stay in your country and this is a reason for genetic diversity. These are valid reasons for protecting these buildings while still using them for improvement In conclusion the maintenance of old house protect our cultural heritage and in It's own way, it will be the reason for development.

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ثمین ابراهیمی1402/08/20

some people have the idea of demolishing old buildings protected by law, On the other hand others have different idea which is government should preserves these ancient buildings. I agree with Preserving these structures. due to it is crucial that, they represent a nation's rich history and cultural heritage, providing a tangible link to the past for future generations. Furthermore, historic buildings often contribute to the uniqueness and charm of a region, attracting tourists and generating economic benefits.

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O.Aghababaei CEO1402/08/21

Here's a revised version: "Some advocate for the demolition of old buildings protected by law, while others argue that the government should preserve these historic structures. I stand in agreement with the preservation of these buildings. It is crucial as they represent a nation's rich history and cultural heritage, offering a tangible link to the past for future generations. Additionally, historic buildings often contribute to the uniqueness and charm of a region, attracting tourists and generating significant economic benefits."

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سولماز چرائی1402/08/21

According to some people, old buildings should be demolished and replaced with modern buildings, on the contrary, some believe that they should be protected. Were I to single out, I would opt for preservation of old buildings. It is safe to say that ,the ancient houses are a symbol of the knowledge of the ancestors. It can be seen that in the old buildings of the Silk Hills city of Kashan, people used different ways to treat diseases. Archaeologists say that the first dental implants in the world can be seen in the remains of the Silk people, and the type of material used to make the implants was much more resistant because after thousands of years, the implants were still not damaged and discovered completely intact. This discovery shows that our ancestors had higher knowledge in the past. In addition, the existence of ancient buildings can contribute to the economy of any country. Every year, many people visit different historical monuments in the world and new job opportunities are created for young people. For example, selling handicrafts around ancient monuments is attractive to visitors and they buy handicrafts as gifts for their family and friends. Considering that tourists buy with dollars, it can be important for the local economy and business prosperity in historical areas. Finally, the old buildings of the city are more useful for people. From my perspective with proper planning, governments can make more use of old buildings and create new jobs. also, old buildings are valuable heritage and treasure of science and history of a nation that should be protected.

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O.Aghababaei CEO1402/08/21

Here's a revised version of your passage: "There's a debate between those advocating for the demolition of old buildings in favor of modern structures and those advocating for their preservation. If I were to choose, I'd strongly advocate for the preservation of these old buildings. They stand as a symbol of our ancestors' knowledge. Take, for instance, the ancient houses in Silk Hills city of Kashan, where historical evidence shows the innovative methods used to treat diseases. Archaeologists have found what they believe to be the world's earliest dental implants, made from remarkably durable materials that remained intact even after thousands of years. This discovery attests to the advanced knowledge our ancestors possessed. Moreover, the existence of ancient buildings contributes significantly to a country's economy. Each year, numerous people visit historical monuments worldwide, creating new job opportunities, particularly for young individuals. For instance, the sale of handicrafts near these sites is appealing to visitors, who often purchase these items as gifts. Considering that these transactions are often made in foreign currency, such as dollars, this influx of currency can significantly benefit the local economy and promote business in historical areas. Lastly, old buildings hold practical value for society. With careful planning, governments can effectively repurpose these structures, creating new job opportunities. These buildings not only serve as invaluable treasures of a nation's scientific and historical heritage but also as viable resources for the development of the nation."

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samaneh amirkhani najafabadi1402/08/21

Ancient buildings are preserved by the government’s rules as a nation's history and their decision is exposed with some affirmatives and opponents. In my view, the historical building should be preserved and even renovated due to their importance. The most important reason is that the historical buildings are treasure troves and should remain unspoiled to reveal to new generations their glorious past, as a result, they try to do second to none for developing their country. On the other hand, they entail lots of information about the previous generations for instance their mistakes or approaches so new generations can use them in a way that learn from them hence they don’t repeat past generation’s mistakes. Another rationale is that these buildings are landmarks of a country and they can be an attraction site for tourists. When a country has some tourist attractions, it will generate profits for both governments and the private sector, due to that some people are keen on savoring themselves in an oasis owing to helping them to ease their stress. In conclusion, historical buildings shouldn’t be demolished and should be protected by governments and citizens should push governments to do actions for this purpose.

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O.Aghababaei CEO1402/08/21

Here's a revised version: "The government’s regulations mandate the preservation of ancient buildings, which stand as embodiments of a nation's history. This decision triggers debates among proponents and critics. From my standpoint, historical buildings merit preservation and, where necessary, renovation due to their paramount significance. Foremost, these edifices serve as veritable treasure troves, warranting their conservation to unveil to future generations the grandeur of bygone eras. They are pivotal in showcasing a country's illustrious past, inspiring unparalleled development. Additionally, they encapsulate a wealth of insights from past generations, offering a roadmap for learning from their successes and missteps, thereby preventing the repetition of historical blunders. Furthermore, historical buildings stand as iconic landmarks, drawing tourists and significantly contributing to a country's allure. Their presence not only enriches cultural heritage but also fuels economic growth by attracting visitors. The resulting influx of tourists benefits both the government and the private sector, affording individuals the opportunity to immerse themselves in these historical havens, thereby alleviating stress. In essence, the demolition of historical buildings should be staunchly opposed, with a collective effort from citizens urging governments to take proactive measures for their protection and preservation."

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soroush ghazavi1402/08/21

Generally society and governments take care of ancient buildings through low due to these architectures are unique and symbolic for the nations. in my perspective, the historical architectures should be part of our nation identity while they perhaps need some updates not to be dangerous in cities, furthermore these historical buildings are inspiring for many people, hence i think we should count on them as a symbols of our countries. secondly, most of the mentioned buildings are intrested for tourists, so in governmental side it's perfect for investing and fundraising, on the other hand it seems when we have more tourist we have better finantial cycle in those cities. In conclusion, as long as it has benefits from the historical accomodation we should take care of them and pay more attention of them.

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O.Aghababaei CEO1402/08/21

Here's a revised version: "Society and governments typically safeguard ancient buildings through legislation as these architectural marvels are not only unique but also symbolic representations of a nation. From my perspective, historical architecture should form an integral part of our national identity. While they may require updates to ensure safety in urban landscapes, these buildings serve as inspirational monuments, embodying the essence of our countries. Moreover, many of these historical buildings pique the interest of tourists. From a governmental standpoint, investing in and promoting these sites is an excellent strategy for both cultural enrichment and financial gain. It's evident that an increase in tourism results in a more robust economic cycle within these cities. In essence, as long as these historical accommodations continue to offer societal and financial benefits, we must prioritize their care and upkeep, giving them the attention they deserve."

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