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IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic: Computer skills should be the fourth largest branch

IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic: Computer skills should be the fourth largest branch

IELTS Writing Task 2:

Writing, reading, maths are the three recognized traditional subjects. Computer skills should be the fourth largest branch. Agree or disagree?

Essay Plan :

Introduction: Refer to topic, agree completely

Paragraph 2: Reason 1: work – computer skills essential – promotion career prospects, so schools must prepare students with these skills for work

Paragraph 3: Reason 2: study – to enter higher education, do vocational courses. Example: using online materials. Advantage for distance learning

Paragraph 4: Reason 3: social life/ leisure. Example: Facebook/ chat rooms. Dating/ chatting/ downloading

Conclusion: Computer skills as important as numeracy/ literacy as school subject

Sample Answer

The digital revolution has transformed the lives of billions of people across the world. It has changed the way that people work, learn, and communicate. Therefore, I agree completely that computer skills should be one of the core subjects in the school curriculum, alongside reading, writing, and mathematics.

Firstly, in today’s employment market, computer literacy is essential for most well-paid jobs or simply routine desk jobs. In order to pursue a successful career, to have better job prospects, promotion opportunities, and to move up the career ladder, employees of all ages must be able to apply computer skills to many of the tasks which they have to perform. Schools must ensure that students have a good grasp of computer skills as essential preparation for the world of work.

Secondly, computer skills are demanded of all students wishing to enter higher education or even to pursue most vocational courses. For example, an enormous amount of research has been published on the internet across the whole spectrum of disciplines. If students lack the necessary skills to access these materials online, they will probably fail to make the grade and complete their studies. Students with computer skills can also take advantage of opportunities for distance learning through video conferencing and the college intranet.

Finally, in terms of leisure and social life, computer skills enable people to join social networking sites, such as Facebook or chat rooms, or to maintain contact through Skype. Whether it is internet dating, chatting, downloading podcasts, or music, social interaction is almost unimaginable without the possession of some computer skills.

In conclusion, socio-economic changes have revolutionized the daily lives of people, and it is essential that computer skills should be taught alongside numeracy and literacy in order to equip youngsters to face the modern world.

1 نظر

سحر موسوی1401/12/23

‏nowadays, computer is important technology and computer education is so necessary. I think computer should become a main subject. I completely agree with this idea. with this technology pupils have better academic study, they can searching information on the websites, reading online various books and articles, and watching movie. Also they can provide the resume by computer skills for example a skill like Microsoft word gives them better, and is stronger resume. In other hand, most of the jobs like teacher and accountant need computer skills to achieve goals in high quality. In conclusion, today’s world needs pay attention to computer technology more frequently. In order to everyone must improve the skills to use the computers.

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