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IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic: Effective security measures in large cities to reduce the crime

IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic: Effective security measures in large cities to reduce the crime

There are more and more effective security measures in large cities to reduce the crime. For example, installation of anti-crime devices in cities. Does this endeavour bring more benefits than problems?


Essay type

Opinion essay


  • State your opinion clearly (whether you agree or disagree). Explain in brief what you are going to write in the body paragraphs.
  • Society has witnessed the proliferation of security measures to prevent victimisation. It is followed by a protracted debate over its benefits and drawbacks.


  • Paragraph 1: To some extent, the presence of a large number of anti-crime devices fuel the fear of crime and has a devastating effect on the quality of life of people.
  • Paragraph 2: Crime reduction and prevention also rely on other approaches rather than just security methods. It is necessary to know that criminals tend to choose their targets based on time and whereabouts.


  • Restate your opinion with a clear and direct sentence

Sample Answer

Of late, society has witnessed the proliferation of security measures to prevent victimisation. It is followed by a protracted debate over its benefits and drawbacks. In my opinion, this is just a reflection of the overblown fear of crime and not the actual levels.

To some extent, the presence of a large number of anti-crime devices fuel the fear of crime and has a devastating effect on the quality of life of people. The fear of crime spreads across the community and affects nearly every resident. The most harmful aspect of this phenomenon is that people’s freedom is restricted and sometimes, their privacy is invaded. Some measures which are believed to put an end to crime, produce opposite results. For instance, installing street lights may create peace of mind for lots of people. Still, it also enables criminals to target their prey quickly, leading to a higher probability of attacks. The benefits of self-protective measures such as gun ownership and martial arts training are also doubtful since nobody can confirm its net effect of decreasing harm. Usually, most personal defensive equipment is either too difficult to use or less effective than expected.

Crime reduction and prevention also rely on other approaches rather than just security methods. It is necessary to know that criminals tend to choose their targets based on time and whereabouts. Therefore, citizens will be more vulnerable to victimisation if they bypass the places where crimes frequently occur. In the inner city, where violations are epidemic, eliminating the dilapidated building used by criminals for hiding or selecting a target seems to be more practical than requiring shops and residents nearby to install an expensive security system. The integral part of crime prevention is altering the environment, by which the root causes or at least the facilitators of crime can be erased.

However, some security measures do work. For instance, cybercrime has helped in reducing a lot of problem for internet users. Car alarms have alerted a lot of people against unauthorised use of their vehicle. CCTV cameras have captured a lot of problems and assisted the police in tracing the criminals.

But in my opinion, increasing security measures such as installation of anti-crime devices, brings in more trouble than peace.


  • Of late
  • Proliferation
  • Victimisation
  • Protracted
  • Overblown
  • To some extent
  • Devastating
  • Phenomenon
  • Invaded
  • Probability
  • Epidemic
  • Dilapidated
  • Facilitators

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