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It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environment

It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environment

It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environment, such as the South Pole. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

Sample 01:

As technology has developed, people can now travel to remote natural areas. While this trend is beneficial to some extent, I would argue that its disadvantages are more significant.

On the one hand, visiting isolated natural places has some benefits. Firstly, this is a newer and more interesting type of travelling. Since going to other cities or countries has been too common for most people, it might be more exciting for them to explore new places such as the South Pole or the Amazon rainforest. This gives them valuable experiences and unforgettable memories. Secondly, when visiting remote areas, people, especially scientists, might acquire more knowledge about the natural habitat. For example, when coming to the North Pole, scientists can learn about the life of polar bears which live far away from humans.

On the other hand, I believe this development has far more drawbacks. The first one is that travelling to remote natural areas can be risky if the travellers are not sufficiently prepared. For instance, the temperature at the South Pole is usually very low, which adversely affects people’s health. Travelling to forests can also be dangerous as people have to face the risk of being attacked by animals. Also, since visiting isolated places often requires a large amount of investment in researching and ensuring the safety of travellers, the costs of travelling tend to be high. Therefore, it seems like only scientists and rich people can afford this activity, so this development is likely to benefit only a small group of individuals.

In conclusion, I believe the disadvantages of people being able to travel to remote areas outweigh its advantages.

Useful Vocabulary & Expressions:

  • isolated: far away from any others ==>isolated rural areas
  • common: happening often, existing in large numbers or in many places ==>Jackson is a common English name.
  • adverse: negative and unpleasant==> Lack of money will have an adverse effect on our research program.
  • ensure: to make sure that something happens or is definite ==>The book ensured his success.

Sample 02:

It is true that humans can now set foot in wild regions far away from civilisation. While I accept that this development can have certain benefits for the human race, I believe that it is likely to have a harmful impact on nature.

On the one hand, undertaking expeditions to the wilderness can be valuable in terms of both science and recreation. There are a considerable number of undiscovered secrets that can be tremendously useful for researchers to conduct their studies. For instance, environmental scientists can analyse the data about the thickness of ice layers over millions of years in both hemispheres to predict the possible changes in global temperatures. Such findings are crucial for the governments to develop appropriate plans to alleviate global warming. Furthermore, the untouched beauty of these areas is usually appealing to travellers, providing people with an attractive option of holiday destination or excursion.

However, I would argue that these positive aspects are outweighed by the drawbacks. When people are given full and easy access to the distant and unpopulated areas, there are likely to be more moving there to reside or start their business. It has been shown that substantial damage has been done to nature such as massive deforestation or water contamination due to humans’ lack of environmental awareness. If there is inadequate protection of the environment from this type of action, wild regions in the world will no longer exist, unspeakably affecting not only the overall ecology but also the lives of other people.

In conclusion, it seems to me that the potential dangers of travelling to wild environments are more significant than the possible benefits for the mentioned reasons.

Useful Expressions:

  • Appealing (adj): attractive or interesting  ==>Overseas students who are offered an appealing salary and position in a foreign company are usually unable to resist the offer and choose to remain in the country instead of returning to their native land.
  • Distant (adj): far away ==>The application of technology in the form of electric household appliances has facilitate the enjoyment of people’s life to a great extent..
  • Unpopulated (adj): having no inhabitants
  • Reside (v): to live, have your home, or stay in a place ==>The huge waves of immigrants from poorer countries flocking to wealthier nations can threaten to take the jobs of those who have resided in their countries for a long time by accepting to work for a much lower pay.
  • Substantial (adj): large in size, value or importance ==>By respecting the substantial differences between the older and the younger generations, the mutual understanding between them can be greatly enhanced.
  • Massive deforestation (noun phrase): the destruction of forests by people on a large scale ==>Massive deforestation is largely attributable to massive deforestation because there are not enough trees to help to hold the flood water.
  • Contamination (n): the action of making something less pure or poisonous. ==>In many rural villages in China and Vietnam, the supply of underground water which has been in use for hundreds of years is now incapable of meeting the growing demand of the expanding population, threatening the health of the people with using water which has not been tested for contamination.
  • Environmental awareness (noun phrase): the understanding that the environment needs to be protected (ý thức bảo vệ môi trường). Ví dụ: The first step to environmental protection is concerned with raising the environmental awareness of individuals.
  • Ecology (n): the relationships between the air, land, water, animals, etc ==>Oil spills cause terrible damage to the fragile ecology of the sea.

5 نظر

نیما شیرانی 1403/01/13

In current era, the explore of scientists and visitors to remote distant areas has completely become possible due to rapid development of technology. Although this trend can lead to several downsides, this assay agrees that this subject has significantly, greater benefits. On the one hand, it vital to acknowledge the drawbacks of this development. The main potential concern is the possibility of environmental degradation. Massive influx of visitors and environmental specialists can end in increased pollution and endangers the wildlife and habitat of many species of animals. Consequently, the ecological balance of the nature will be disrupted. On the other hand, visiting remote natural habitats, has brought about some positive consequences for human society. First and foremost, one of the most notable benefits of studying these surroundings is the potential of scientific discoveries. These pristine and untouched areas, provide insight into the planet Earth’s history and biodiversity. For instance, analyzing the ice core in south pole reveals crucial information about the climatic changes of our plant. Secondly, these natural living worlds, has provided the platforms for eco-tourism industry, which can cause strengthening the local economies and promote sustainable practices. These eco-tourists advocate the environmental conservation and their financial motivation to preserve the nature, can alleviate the environmental degradation. In conclusion, however, the ability of environmentalists, scientists and visitors to sightsee remote natural resources, offers some drawbacks like environmental degradation and wildlife safety concerns, the profits of this improvement outweigh the disadvantages, Including scientific discoveries and economical benefit to preserve the environment.

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پریسا سلوکی شهرضایی1403/01/14

In fact, the advancement of transportation and technology has facilitated easier access for scientists and tourists to remote natural areas. This brings both advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, it allows for groundbreaking scientific research, enhances education through firsthand experiences, and boosts local economies. However, it also poses threats to delicate ecosystems due to increased human activity, raises safety concerns, and can negatively impact indigenous cultures. off the top of my head, the advantages of this improvement outweigh the disadvantages because responsible ecotourism can contribute positively to conservation, community development, and environmental awareness. As a result, achieving a balance between the benefits and risks requires careful management and a commitment to preserving these virgin environments.

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پریسا سلوکی شهرضایی1403/01/14

In fact, the advancement of transportation and technology has facilitated easier access for scientists and tourists to remote natural areas. This brings both advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, it allows for groundbreaking scientific research, enhances education through firsthand experiences, and boosts local economies. However, it also poses threats to delicate ecosystems due to increased human activity, raises safety concerns, and can negatively impact indigenous cultures. off the top of my head, the advantages of this improvement outweigh the disadvantages because responsible ecotourism can contribute positively to conservation, community development, and environmental awareness. As a result, achieving a balance between the benefits and risks requires careful management and a commitment to preserving these virgin environments.

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ریحانه فرح بخت1403/01/14

In this era of history, human is surrounded by technology and as a result it is obvious to set foot in the remote natural environment such as south and north pole, amazon gigantic forest and so on. In addition, also developed of natural nature exploration contain some benefit, as far as I’m concerned, the harmful impact is outweighed than useful. On the one hand, detection of isolated nature has some crucial effect on individuals’ life, in other word, there are so many points of not only earth also the enormous world that help human to be survived. For instance, when scientists discover water and air on the Mars planet, a new light has shined in the residence heart for the survival of humanity. Furthermore, the undetected point of the earth has been more exciting for the adventures who are crazy about the untouchable places than the common ground where most people has visited. On the other hand, I believe that there is a sea of different between people, so some people benefit of these discoveries themselves and the only solution to avoid the demerit of drawbacks would be some type of legal policy and limitation to travels to the isolated environment. To address the issues that surrounded my mind, massive deforestation and water contamination could be named. In conclusion, it seems to me that the disadvantages of finding wild environment are more significant than the advantage aspects due to the human awareness and greed.

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zahra aboufazeli1403/01/16

Nowadays, scholars and visitors have had access to travel to isolated natural places. Although there are plenty of merits related to this, I completely believe that the drawbacks outweigh the benefits due to lack of individuals' awareness that causes loss of habitat. · On the one hand, people are able to set off on expeditions, as technology has developed. That is not only do they find undiscovered secrets in terms of science such as natural habitats and herbal remedies, but they also are able to explore virgin regions and unspoiled sightseeing. For instance, environmental scientists can analyze the data about hemispheres, types of soil for agriculture, and properties of plants for treatment. On top of that, the untouched beauty of these areas is usually appealing to travelers, providing people with an attractive option for excursions. As a result, such findings are crucial for governments to gravitate towards increasing their power, since they encompass innovative knowledge and are extremely wealthy in terms of the tourism industry as well. · On the other hand, scientists are investigating how to conserve the natural environment. By contrast, people are given easy access to distant and unpopulated areas. Hence, they will definitely harm the environment, including soil degradation, massive deforestation, water contamination, and loss of habitat because tourists lack environmental knowledge of how they should behave to the ecosystem. Furthermore, entrancing of humans causes the ecosystem to become on the verge of extinction, so were it not for extinction, scientists would maintain rare species. Thus, if there are no adequate plans for protection, wild regions in the world, it will no longer exist, and the earth is going to be destroyed. · In conclusion, setting foot in wild regions far away from civilization is likely to have considerable advantages such as discovering cutting-edge things. However, we cannot overlook the fact that destruction of the ecosystem is more dangerous than the benefits. In my perspective, if governments had put their schemes into practice that only scientists have the right to access pristine areas, we wouldn’t observe the destruction of habitat. · 341

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