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تمایل دارید صفحه اینستاگرام کبیر را مشاهده نمایید؟

محتواهای الکترونیکی

صفحه اصلی محتواهای الکترونیکی


لطفا کلمات کلیدی خود را تایپ نمایید.

IELTS Advantage Disadvantage Essay

Advantages and Disadvantages of New Technology
Advantages and Disadvantages of New Technology

IELTS Writing key

03/09/1401 09:35:03 ق.ظ

Many university students live with their families
Many university students live with their families

IELTS Writing key

03/09/1401 09:36:36 ق.ظ

Differences between countries become less evident each year
Differences between countries become less evident each year

IELTS Writing key

03/09/1401 09:35:34 ق.ظ

People decide to have children later in their life
People decide to have children later in their life

IELTS Writing key

03/09/1401 09:36:52 ق.ظ

Some students take a year off between school and university
Some students take a year off between school and university

IELTS Writing key

03/09/1401 09:37:51 ق.ظ

Transport and Accommodation Problems are Increasing
Transport and Accommodation Problems are Increasing

IELTS Writing key

03/09/1401 09:38:08 ق.ظ

People in the community can buy cheaper products nowadays
People in the community can buy cheaper products nowadays

IELTS Writing key

03/09/1401 09:37:14 ق.ظ