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محتوای الکترونیکی

صفحه اصلی محتوای الکترونیکی

Many university students live with their families

Many university students live with their families

IELTS Writing Task 2:

Many university students live with their families, while others live away from home because their universities are in different places. What are the advantages and disadvantages of both situations?

Essay Plan:

Introduction: refer to the statement. State that there are advantages and disadvantages.

Paragraph 2: living with families (1) advantage – economize on accommodation (2) advantage – enjoy family support: meals, heating costs, room-sharing (3) disadvantage – too many distractions may harm studies

Paragraph 3: (1) disadvantage – high cost of accommodation (2) advantage – easier to make study routines and to interact with fellow students.

Conclusion: personal circumstances differ, but we can identify advantages and disadvantages of both situations.

Model Essay:

It is true that, although some university students are able to live with their families while studying in their home town, others are forced to live away from home to pursue their studies. There are advantages and disadvantages to both these situations.

If university students can live with their families, there are both benefits and drawbacks. Firstly, one major advantage is that they are able to economize, since they do not have to pay for accommodation. Secondly, they enjoy family support in terms of sharing meals, heating costs, possibly even sharing a room with a brother or sister. However, the home situation may also have its disadvantages. Family routines are often disruptive for students who have to concentrate on their studies in a quiet atmosphere. Without a dedicated space in which to study, for example in the evenings or weekends, it is hard to keep up with a study schedule.

On the other hand, when students live away from home, they also face challenges. One disadvantage is having to find accommodation. Universities are often located in major urban centres, where rents are high if students have to find a room with even the basic facilities. However, there are benefits of learning to study independently in another city. Students are able to escape the distractions of family life, and thereby establish study routines and form friendships with other students who find themselves in the same situation. These factors may help them in their studies.

In conclusion, while there will clearly be differences in the personal circumstances of individual university students, some potential advantages and disadvantages of living at home or away from home can be identified.


  • to pursue their studies [expression]
  • Meaning: to continue studying
    Example: Peter and Mary have got jobs at McDonald’s, but they plan to continue their studies part-time.
  • to economize [verb]
  • Meaning: to use less money than you normally use
    Example: Japan has introduced hydrogen cars to reduce air pollution and to economize on fuel costs.
  • disruptive [adjective]
  • Meaning: causing problems, such as noise, so that something cannot continue normally
    Example: The librarian had to warn some disruptive students who were talking too loudly in the library.
  • dedicated [adjective]
  • Meaning: used for one particular purpose only
    Example: In the USA, some TV channels are dedicated to 24-hour news.
  • to keep up with [expression]
  • Meaning: to make progress at the same rate as something
    Example: The teacher spoke so quickly that it was hard for me to keep up with all the information she gave us.
  • to face challenges [expression]
  • Meaning: to have to deal with situations which may be difficult
    Example: Children from poor families face many challenges if they want to go to university.
  • facilities [noun]
  • Meaning: equipment provided for a particular purpose
    Example: The library has excellent facilities for users to access the internet.
  • distractions [noun]
  • Meaning: things that take your attention away from what you are doing
    Example: I find it hard to work at home because there are too many distractions.
  • to form friendships [expressions]
  • Meaning: to start to create and develop friendships
    Example: She formed many close friendships at university, particularly in the subjects that she was studying
  • circumstances [noun]
  • Meaning: the facts and conditions which affect a situation
    Example: Police said that there were no suspicious circumstances surrounding the death of the President.

3 نظر

سینا حقیقی نایینی1400/12/08

A horde university students could live along with their families as they get to study in their hometown, while others should live far away from their family ambiances to pursue their studies. There are benefits and drawbacks for both sides on the ground which I shall delve into it in forthcoming paragraphs. To begin with, as long as university students could live with their family, they will be capable of economizing on accommodation and others living expenses; moreover, they would be borne out by their family, particularly once predicaments confront them, they can get parents to give them a sense of security to cope with difficulties; however, it should not escape unnoticed that excessive reliance on parents can be debilitative to assuring them of proper growth and development, in turn, children would be barely capable of being resilient during crisis of their unforeseen life. On the other hand, living away from family can enable them learning how to confront life difficulties, which seems to be insoluble and inexorably linked to each other at times; more importantly, having a dedicated environment is conducive to learning without any distraction; accordingly, they get to study along with their peers which seems to be more productive than solitary studying. Meanwhile, there would be some disadvantages, for instance, they should allocate a big budget on renting an accommodation with adequate amenities. A part from living costs, they may come to find living alone so arduous and being overwhelmed in order to get over difficulties faced them by living alone. In conclusion, there would be some advantages and disadvantages for living either alone or by family during university life, which could differ in varying circumstances.

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سوگل بختیاروند1400/12/08

An number of students live alongside their family; whereas, some others live apart from their hometown as their university placed far from their city. There are a lot of benefits and drawbacks which student face throughout these circumstances. To begin with, i firmly believe that family is the first line of defense; indeed, living alongside them are accompanied with plenty of advantages. First of all, when we are in a struggling position they help us to cope with our challenges, providing a sense of security to carry on with life. Second of all, we can rely on them utterly to remain by our side emotionally and physically in the time of distress, and they always rescue us when we are in danger. It isn’t fallible to say that there are couple of drawbacks which students face when they are living with their family. Consistency is key when it comes to studying, so it is a dire need for students to find a place to study regularly; however, it is hard for those who live with they family to keep up with a schedule study especially those with a chaotic family life, because they cannot concentrate on their studies as family routine are often disruptive practically on the weekend. For example, in the time of sickness family plays a prominent role and take care of us until we get better. On the other hand, there are some students who live far from their family. When people have to move out and start their adult life in the beginning they face a lot of difficulty. Apart from the studying, students should carry the burden of family life, they must pay for life expenses and searching for the accommodation. Additionally, students who live by themselves don’t have their family’s support when they fail. It is worth noticing that people can be more independent when live far from their family, they learn how stand on their own feet; moreover, single life give them more free rein to choose their preferred lifestyle and design the house layout to suit themselves. It is of significant importance for students to study in silence without any distraction; thus, they could be more successful when they study in such a place without any disrupt noises. For instance, Shreds of evidence demonstrate people who live far away from their family will have a more productive future. All in all, although students are more supported when live next to their family, they should experience single life to learn to be independent and address to their affair without any disturbance.

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رویا کریمی1401/02/14

There are several drawbacks beyond this transition. First of all it causes some problems for people who work in these companies and manufactures due to their transportations. They need to commute each day and it might be kilometers far away from their accommodations, so it could be exhausting after months. Secondly, if their buildings are not well located, it means that they are not in specific sectors, they might face some issues such as shortage of water, electricity and other sources which they need. In spite of these negative sides, however moving professions like industries has brought important benefits as well. The most noticeable positive point of this movement is reducing air pollution, in order that a huge amount of emissions of industries are highly associated with air pollution, so that while they are working outside of cities people are breathing the healthier air. Another positive effect is that they would diminish traffic congestion inside cities because of the workers and jobholders who leave their houses in cities for the most proportion hours of a day. To sum up, it seems to me that people who want to start a business had better to be more notified of this option and this is the sole responsibility of government to do that. Many university students live with their families, while others live away from home because their universities are in different places. What are the advantages and disadvantages of both situations? Some students live far away from their families due to their universities, whereas others live with them while they are studying. There are some advantages and disadvantages to both sides. The main pros of studying far away from their accommodations is that they may be able to live on their owns and make experiences of an independence life. It is of paramount importance for some families that their children find their future by their own thoughts and abilities. For instance when students are out of cities, a large number of people are unfamiliar to them. They have to be aware of every single problem that they might face so considering that issues are not solved by other members of family develop their personality to being mature. In spite of this benefit one of the significant downside of this condition is that students might be out of money sometimes because they have an amount of money so it causes some financial problems for them. For example young students should earn enough money for their accommodations, food, bills, transportation and they all cost a fortune when someone lives alone. In the situation which students live with their families the most important advantage is that they do not have to consider a lot of factors for living so they might have enough hours in a day to study. It means that they could have this opportunity not looking for a job and just focus on their education . It is helpful specially for the ones who are keen on studying. For instance people who live with their families and study do not have stress so this provide enough time for them to dedicate hours on education only. On the other hand the drawback of this kind of condition is not worth doing it for some students. They have this opinion that in this position they could not have this chance to look for the world. Some young students are passionate about other cultures and cities so this is one of the best ways to form friendships. Such as students who are extroverted, they definitely are more interested in visiting new places besides new friends than introverted ones. To sum up, while there are some obvious negative points for both groups, different conditions have brought many benefits as well at time.

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