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IELTS Writing Task 2 Opinion Essay Topic: The Best Way to Help Underachieving Pupils

IELTS Writing Task 2 Opinion Essay Topic: The Best Way to Help Underachieving Pupils

The best way to help underachieving pupils is to have compulsory after school activities which they must attend. This way they will become more involved in school and their grades will improve. To what extent do you agree?


Essay Type

Opinion Essay


  • Paraphrase the essay topic using synonyms for the used in the question.
  • Clearly state the view on the topic.


  • Paragraph 1 – Children who are already burdened with classes from morning till evening will not find after school classes interesting. Instead, they will become more tired, and there is a potential danger of them losing interest in studies forever.
  • Paragraph 2 – Parents may have divorced, which may have affected the child. So it must be communicated to teachers, and they can compensate by providing a supportive environment in the school which may make the child feel better.


  • Conclude the essay by summarizing the topic and mentioning the final view.

Sample Essay

Not all children perform well in their academics and secure good grades. There are students who struggle to qualify in their exams. There are many underlying reasons for poor performance. It is the combined responsibility of the parent and the teacher to identify the causes and help them perform better. So I’m afraid I disagree with the fact that they have to attend after school activities compulsorily. It will not bestow any extra intelligence or give them the wisdom and knowledge that they failed to acquire in their regular classes. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall delve deep into this issue.

Children who are already burdened with classes from morning till evening will not find after school classes interesting. Instead, they will become more tired, and there is a potential danger of them losing interest in studies forever. Parents should analyse why their child is underperforming. It may be due to family or school environment, lack of natural ability to understand a particular subject, lack of motivation etc. Parents must offer psychological help to these students, find out the root cause and focus on improving the pain areas.

For example, parents may have divorced, which may have affected the child. So it must be communicated to teachers, and they can compensate by providing a supportive environment in the school which may make the child feel better. They may be bullied in the school by peers due to their inability to understand a particular subject. Parents have to talk to their children to find out the mental turmoil they undergo and provide them with the right kind of help. In this case, they can arrange an in-person tutor for that particular subject. Rather than following the herd and dumping after school activities, parents must come up with innovative strategies to help their children.

Although schools promise that they give extra-ordinary coaching in the after school sessions, it is still a mystery why they cannot do it in the regular classes.

In conclusion, parents and schools must strive to find out the causes of underachieving. It may vary from student to another. So paying individual attention, conducting counselling sessions, devising appropriate strategies, along with the support of family and teachers, will help them perform better.

12 نظر

سحر موسوی1401/12/23

Well people think underachieving students are not good students and they can’t successful but I disagree with this idea. This pupils need better method to improve their studies and skills. pupils must do some activities like lesson review, extra class, and practice more frequently. also, they can get help from the best students. In addition, teachers have to listen carefully students questions and answer their questions in a great way. Teachers must spend much time for specific things they need instead of teaching all the class which end up they understand nothing. As a result, underachieving pupils need more practice and experienced teacher to be success. Hard working and focus on studies improve their results.

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hedie zare1400/11/19

It has been argued by some folks that compulsory after school activities can be effective for lazy students to become more engaged in school and get better scores in their exams. Although it has some advantages, I totally disagree with this viewpoint as it prevents them to participate in other necessary activities, and it also can reduce their energy. The primary reason is that there are a lot of things that pupils should do to enhance their ability to combat the problems they will face in future. In other words, studying the school courses is not the only one that is important in the growth of students mentally. For example, playing, , most specifically team games could enable them to cooperate with others well. Moreover, participating in some activities like helping parents, or communicating with siblings or friends could give them the chance to to learn some skills that are not less important than their homework. This has been confirmed by some new researches that those students who has had other social activities besides their studying, will be more successful in interacting other people in adult time. The second reason that is worth pointing out is that participating in overtime school activities, with no doubt, could make them more exhausted. It may impact profoundly on their productivity at school negatively. As a result classroom will be a pretty boring space for them which sadly decrease their interest to school. To sum up, I totally believe that forcing underachieving students to attend mandatory after school activities can not be an impressive method to increase their scores.

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طاهره کریمی نیا1401/03/20

I have a completely negative mindset about attempting to improve the grades of underachieving pupils by considering mandatory duties for them after the official time of school. By my reckoning, It is pretty terrible and I have two reasons for it: Initially, it can lead to ditching school, and secondly, what improves the pupil's analysis power, is having entertainment. To explain more, it is clear that, the school's environment as well as learning new subjects are extremely challenging, therefore, it's crucial for all of the students to take rest after spending 6 hours training. Additionally, based on scientific research, having fun or even watching comedy movies cause activating the logical segment of the mind and it would be better to consider a specific time to have fun when a person is struggling with solving a difficult problem. So, it absolutely turns the way that is suggested down. Therefore, as a general result, instead of imposing strict rules for underachieving students, it is better to consider sufficient and appropriate entertainment for this batches of students.

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طاهره کریمی نیا1401/03/20

I have a completely negative mindset about attempting to improve the grades of underachieving pupils by considering mandatory duties for them after the official time of school. By my reckoning, It is pretty terrible and I have two reasons for it: Initially, it can lead to ditching school, and secondly, what improves the pupil's analysis power, is having entertainment. To explain more, it is clear that, the school's environment as well as learning new subjects are extremely challenging, therefore, it's crucial for all of the students to take rest after spending 6 hours training. Additionally, based on scientific research, having fun or even watching comedy movies cause activating the logical segment of the mind and it would be better to consider a specific time to have fun when a person is struggling with solving a difficult problem. So, it absolutely turns the way that is suggested down. Therefore, as a general result, instead of imposing strict rules for underachieving students, it is better to consider sufficient and appropriate entertainment for this batches of students.

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فاطمه کتابچی1401/03/24

By my reckoning, I agree I crazy about this question because l had this problem as a child. I can check this question from different perspectives. Additionally We are faceing various problems with children such as irresponsibility, distraction, self-centeredness As far as the responsibility is concerned, They find a better chance of Taking responsibility by doing homework On the other hand,regarding parent's methods, parents don't impose their own methods on children with different methods Due to the child's restricting, he is tired from lessons and homework. In addition ,It is vital that children do not get tired of lessons.and enjoy doing homework.That the school should design strategic plans in this direction when children do homework at school. As a result, doing homework in school can be very useful and strategic for these reasons

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فاطمه کتابچی1401/03/24

By my reckoning, I agree I crazy about this question because l had this problem as a child. I can check this question from different perspectives. Additionally We are faceing various problems with children such as irresponsibility, distraction, self-centeredness As far as the responsibility is concerned, They find a better chance of Taking responsibility by doing homework On the other hand,regarding parent's methods, parents don't impose their own methods on children with different methods Due to the child's restricting, he is tired from lessons and homework. In addition ,It is vital that children do not get tired of lessons.and enjoy doing homework.That the school should design strategic plans in this direction when children do homework at school. As a result, doing homework in school can be very useful and strategic for these reasons

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سامان براتی1401/12/22

Some people had problems with weakness on school issue which they are disappointed and didn't try for study. as a result They do not have a successful education. But some teachers with compulsory after school activities try for solve the problem. But i disagree with this solution as well as many experts. For example sociologist Professor Barati of King's College London says:( some folks have different ability so school and university can't use then this abilities. So they don't need to classic academy. We should Cheng the educational system) Of course many students have genius for became to successful people. But they need to lead and guide and this is duty of educational system and teachers. Because they have experience in this issue and they can help to weak students white their expensive experiences. As a result, I have to say for help to weak students compulsory after school activities is mistake. We need to better solution.Based on research first we should separate the eccentric talent for different education. Second we should use counseling in schools and help to students for find their way and success. After that we will see new evolution in educational system.

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سولماز چرائی1402/08/21

People believe that the best way for disabled children is to spend more time in school and attend remedial classes to get high grades.But I disagree with this fact and I have my reasons for my opinion. Children spend more time in school and deal with boring school activities. From my point of view, every child has skills in different fields and teachers have the duty to discover the child's skills. Teachers can use innovative methods in the classroom to increase grades, such as teamwork, they can form groups of children in the classroom so that students can study together and learn from each other. This method makes children of all ability levels work together and learn more from each other and try to get a group score, and it makes the less able children continue to work together with hard-working children. Another reason can be psychological damage to the child. These days, most parents spend more time on social media and don't spend more time with their children, this has a negative effect on the child and makes the child feel unimportant because parents don't have enough time to educate and discover child talent and They think that by sending a child to a remedial class, they will increase child grade, But this causes serious emotional damage to the child and causes him to fail in his studies. And it can have worse effects in the child's future. Finally, I can say beyond any doubt that ,every child has a talent, it is the duty of the teacher and parents to discover the child's talents and promote them in the best way. I strongly believe that by sending a child to more classes, his skill and score will not increase.

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امید آقابابايی1402/08/21

Here's a revised version of the passage: "Many people believe that the best approach for disabled children is to increase their time in school and attend remedial classes to achieve higher grades. However, I disagree with this notion, and I have specific reasons for my opinion. Lengthening a child's time in school often involves monotonous activities. In my view, every child possesses unique skills, and it's the responsibility of teachers to uncover these abilities. Educators can employ innovative methods in the classroom to enhance grades, such as fostering teamwork. By forming groups within the classroom, students can collaborate, learning from one another. This approach encourages children of varying abilities to work together, fostering collective learning and allowing less proficient children to benefit from the hard work of others. Another aspect to consider is the potential psychological impact on the child. In today's society, many parents spend more time on social media and less time with their children. This lack of parental involvement can make a child feel unimportant, as there isn't enough parental guidance to discover and nurture the child's talents. Some parents may believe that sending a child to remedial classes will improve their grades, but this can lead to significant emotional damage, resulting in academic failure and potential long-term repercussions for the child. In conclusion, I firmly believe that every child possesses a talent, and it's the combined responsibility of teachers and parents to identify and support these talents effectively. I strongly hold the belief that merely increasing a child's class time will not necessarily enhance their skills or grades."

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ثمین ابراهیمی1402/08/21

Addressing underachieving pupils through compulsory after-school activities that means to boost school involvement and grades is a complex issue. I entirely disagree with these extra activities. In my point of view, pupils often get exhausted during their time in school. On the grounds that, they struggle with school stuff from early in the morning and after school they need some rest to recover for the rest of the day. To put in a nutshell, pupils require to do their favorite hobbies and activities after school to improve other aspects of their life. To sum up, this is necessary to avoid students' burnout by giving them some leisure time.

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امید آقابابايی1402/08/21

Here's a revised version of the passage: "Addressing the issue of underachieving pupils through compulsory after-school activities aimed at boosting school involvement and grades is a complex matter. I strongly disagree with the necessity of these extra activities. In my opinion, students often feel exhausted during their time at school. They grapple with academic demands from early in the morning, and after school, they need time to rest and recuperate for the remainder of the day. In summary, students need the freedom to engage in their favorite hobbies and activities after school to enhance various aspects of their lives. To conclude, it's essential to prevent student burnout by allowing them leisure time."

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samaneh amirkhani najafabadi1402/08/21

Some people believe that participating in supplemental classes after school will help underachieving students perform better. From my perspective, the performance of pupils hasn’t an inextricable connection with more practice. However, it can increase their tiredness and make them uninspired. The first step that should be done is looking for the reason for their bad performance, for this purpose the joint effort of both teachers and family is required. Maybe they suffer from a problem in their family for example their parents have divorced or they have a baby sibling who attracts all parent’s attention and they are bothered by this issue. On the other hand, it may be due to some problems in the school for instance their classmates behave them in a bad way or some teachers blame them unfairly. The other approach which should be considered is their interests, there are lots of successful people who weren’t well for example in mathematics though, they are a brilliant artist. Were I to single out, I would opt for running a lighter elementary school just for teaching alphabet, easy subjects and social issues then a middle school which helps pupils to find their best way and finally a high school which teaches them more specific information to enter the university. In conclusion, not only participating in compulsory classes after school doesn’t help the underachieving pupils but also it can make them uninspired and less successful.

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