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IELTS General Writing Task 1 Practice Test 10

IELTS General Writing Task 1 Practice Test 10

You learned the news from your friend regarding a part-time job at a new international company near your house. Write a letter to the manager of the company.

In your letter, you should:

  • explain why you need that job
  • give details of what you can do for the company
  • suggest the time that you can work.

Sample Answer

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am George Singer residing in Hathway Street, London. I am a student at the Leeds College of Arts. I hail from a middle class family and I got some scholarships to study in college. But I did not qualify for the scholarship in the second year. So I am looking for a part time job to pay my fees. I learnt from one of my friends that there is a vacancy available in the design department of your company. Since I live nearby, it will be easy for me to commute.

As I studied Creative Arts as a subject in the first year, I would be of great help to your creative studios section. I can design creative logos, write engaging content for your company newsletters, and help in producing quality videos. I would be able to work in the Digital design division as well.

Since I have to attend college in the day, it would be convenient for me to work in the evenings and weekends. I would prefer to work between 6 PM to 1 AM.

Please be considerate and offer the part-time opportunity.

Yours sincerely

George Singer

6 نظر

نسترن صادقی1401/02/20

Dear Mr Ahmadi, I am writing this letter to exprrss my interest in working with your company. Actually, I heard plenty of positive feedback about your organisation from my friend, who recommended me to apply as a part-time interpreter in your valid firm. Currently, I am graduating in the tourism sector at Esfahan university of my hometown. Since it is an expensive course. Also for my other expenses like, books, project assignments and daily needs I need some financial assistance. In fact, I informed all my friends and updated my profil regarding the part-time job which I need. In addition, I believe that working as a language translator in your firm will be beneficial. Let me explain in detail. I have a wide knowledge of languages such as English, Germany,french because the tourism industry is worldwide and it is significant to learn a variety of linguistic skills. Not only is it quite beneficial speaking another language in my job but it also provides more job opportunites. Also, your company deals with foreign clients.Therefore, I will be an asset for the organization. Moreover, the location of your firm is in the vicinity of my residence. Hence, I can offer my service according to your convenience. Although I would prefer to work in the evening as I have classes in the morning. Hoping for a careful consideration of my application for this job. Yours faithfully, Nastaran Sadeghi

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نسترن صادقی1401/02/26

Dear Mr Salary, I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing this letter to let you know that I have applied for a part-time job at your company and why I need this job also why you should hire me. Since I got accepted to Tehran university. Having said that, I am angry about the expense part now. I would require this job so I can earn money and pay my fees. Also, finding a part-time job in Tehran to cover my living expenses. Another reason for this job is I have been accepted for the master's degree program in computer science at Tehran university which is also a related course to your company so I can build my work experience. It would be a great benefit for your company if you hire me. Az I am studing in same field, I can work with new ideas also you don't have to train me for a long time. In addition, I am living 5 to 10 minutes away from your location so I can come for help in difficult situations. I can start my work as soon as you hire me. However, because I am a student, I can only work part-time. I also work during at the weekends. Therefore I would be ready to start immediately. Please be considerate and offer the part-time opportunity. Your sincerely, Nastaran

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نسترن صادقی1401/02/26

Agree or disagree: Advertising is the most common form of promoting a product or service. We see advertisments everywhere in our everyday life. It would be beneficial to ban advertisements because they are not really useful. In my opinion, they are a crucial part of any company's marketing and are also important for our society. Every business or industry depends on advertisements to make them successful. This is the easiest way to reach a large number of people. If advertising is banned, then the companies will not be able to attract customer's attention and would eventually go into loss. This can have an awful effect on a country's economy. For instance, the main reason why certain products like Toyota's brand so popular in Dubai is because of appealing advertisment, that is displayed on Tv as well as on Billboard. On the other hand, advertisements that do not have any purpose. Moreover, advertisements that show wrong content in society should definitely be banned. Such things are not useful for society and can have a negative effect on people's mental health. They may even lead to an increase in crime rates and motivate people in bad things. For example, Cigarette advertisements are banned in Singaporr because they promote smoking which is bad for health. To conclude, I believe that completely banning all forms of advertising will not help society to grow economically. Hence, advertising is crucial. However, there should be restrictions on the kind of content advertisements display.

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نرجس ایروانی 1402/02/18

Dear Sir, I am Sepid Iravani, residing in Hasht Behesht street, Isfahan. I am a student at Isfahan University at commercial section. I born and raised in a middle class family and learnd how important hard working is. Right now I am working as a staff at a Cafe near my university but its payment hardly could help me as a student. So I am looking for a part-time job and one of my friends told me about a position in your company which is suitable for me. As I studied commercial and advertising in university, I would be of great help to your advertisement part and I can assure you I am full of new ideas to sale your products to more people all around the country. I have to settle my plans for studying and working, so it would be suitable for me if my working days be in odd days 9 to 5. Please consider me as a part time worker for your company. Yours sincerely Sepid Iravani

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نرجس ایروانی 1402/02/20

Revised: Dear Sir/ Madame, I am Sepid Iravani, residing in Hasht Behesht street, Isfahan. I am a student at Isfahan University at commercial section. I was born and raised in a middle-class family and learnd how important working hard might be. Right now, I am working as a member of staff at a Cafe near my university, but its payment could hardly help me as a student. I seem to be incapable of staying solvent. So I am looking for a part-time job and one of my friends told me about a position in your company which is suitable for me. As I studied commercial and advertising at university, I would be of great help to your advertisement part and I can assure you I am full of new ideas to sale your products to more people all around the country. I have to settle my plans for studying and working, so it would be great for me if my working days be in odd days 9 to 5. Please consider me as a part-time worker for your company. Yours sincerely Sepid Iravani

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نرجس ایروانی 1402/02/20

Revised: Dear Sir/ Madame, I am Sepid Iravani, residing in Hasht Behesht street, Isfahan. I am a student at Isfahan University at commercial section. I was born and raised in a middle-class family and learnd how important working hard might be. Right now, I am working as a member of staff at a Cafe near my university, but its payment could hardly help me as a student. I seem to be incapable of staying solvent. So I am looking for a part-time job and one of my friends told me about a position in your company which is suitable for me. As I studied commercial and advertising at university, I would be of great help to your advertisement part and I can assure you I am full of new ideas to sale your products to more people all around the country. I have to settle my plans for studying and working, so it would be great for me if my working days is in odd days 9 to 5. Please consider me as a part-time worker for your company. Yours sincerely Sepid Iravani

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